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Box 6


Contains 106 Results:

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington., 1935 November 05

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0609-00
Scope and Contents New Minister of Social Welfare, [Josef] Dobretsberger, indicated in speech that Austrian Government may seek reconciliation with Social Democrats; news welcomed in England; Dobretsberger backed by Chancellor, but will be opposed by [Ernst] von Starhemberg in view of strong Heimwehr attitude against Social Democrats, shared by von Starhemberg; [Emil] Fey, ousted Minister of Interior, and von Starhemberg have talked things over and apparently patched up differences; all deposed Ministers and...
Dates: 1935 November 05

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 592 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 November 05

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0610-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosures: See Nos. 602-605. Transmitting translations of articles from Vienna press relative to anti-Jewish measures in Germany; some anti-Semitism in Austria, but Austrian public opinion in general inflamed by persecution of Jews in Germany and makes rapprochement out of question.

Dates: 1935 November 05

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 595 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 November 08

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0611-00
Scope and Contents

Reports on Austrian internal and external situation; recent Cabinet changes accepted by country at large; government hopes to conciliate Social Democrats and gain their support; new government tends to be more liberal; France and England cool to new officials; rumors again of restoration of monarchy, but no chance for that in near future; Austrian munitions plants forbidden by government to make deliveries to either Italy or Abyssinia.

Dates: 1935 November 08

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 597 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 November 11

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0612-00
Scope and Contents

Maxwell Anderson's play Elizabeth and Essex had premiere at Burgtheater in Vienna on Nov. 8; after premiere invited fifty or more members of government, director, cast, and representatives of American press to the Legation for supper; other American plays also having successful runs in Vienna.

Dates: 1935 November 11

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 609 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 November 15

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0613-00
Scope and Contents Doubts wisdom of U.S. participation in 1936 Olympics in Berlin; Germans had retained [Theodor] Lewald, who is part Jewish, as head of the German Olympics Committee, but only to convince the outside world that there was no discrimination against Jews; the position was only titular and carried with it no powers or responsibilities; the American Olympics Committee had asked Lewald if the reports of discrimination against Jews in Germany were true, and he had replied that there was no...
Dates: 1935 November 15

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 610 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 November 16

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0614-00
Scope and Contents Reports on activities of Colin Ross, German citizen now residing in Austria; attended lecture by Ross in Vienna recently; Ross said he had just spent two and a half years in America and spoke of the U.S. in highly derogatory terms; called the German-Americans a repressed minority who must rise up and rebuild the U.S. along the "German idea"; Ross says he is an exile from Germany, but he recently published a book in Germany and articles of his have appeared in German papers, which means he is...
Dates: 1935 November 16

Memorandum of conversation between G.S. Messersmith and Chancellor [Kurt] Schuschnigg., 1935 November 16

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0615-00
Scope and Contents

Called by appointment on Chancellor at his office; discussed problems in connection with American correspondents; explained to Chancellor that correspondents were responsible men who reported news objectively, but who felt they were not treated in Austria with sufficient consideration; they were not given proper facilities and had great difficulty getting information; Chancellor thanked Messersmith for informing him of situation and said he would look into matter.

Dates: 1935 November 16

Dunn, James Clement, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1935 November 20

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0616-00
Scope and Contents

Under heavy strain in Department as result of Italo-Ethiopian situation; Messersmith's letter regarding Olympic Games interesting; not comfortable about U.S. participation, but does not see how Department can interfere; letter regarding changes in Austrian Cabinet and [Franz] von Papen's activities very helpful.

Dates: 1935 November 20

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington., 1935 November 22

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0617-00
Scope and Contents Has been unable to get further information on German-Japanese agreement; new Austrian Cabinet settled down to work but is definitely on trial; Austrian budget up for debate; deficit not likely to be increased; Austrian negotiators who went to London to discuss live claims against Credit Anstalt made mistake of asking for much and offering nothing; met cold reception; Alexis, [Ernst] von Starhemberg adviser, accompanied negotiators and had conferences with important people in British Foreign...
Dates: 1935 November 22

Phillips, William, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1935 November 22

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0618-00
Scope and Contents

Leaving shortly for London for Naval Conference; hopes to gain something of British and European atmosphere; would like to go to Vienna, but doubts there will be time.

Dates: 1935 November 22

Murray, Wallace, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1935 November 26

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0619-00
Scope and Contents

Read with interest Messersmith's resumé of European situation accompanying despatch no. 575 of Oct. 11; would like to have time to exchange thoughts by letter, but Italo-Ethiopian situation absorbs all time; hopes to discuss matters with him when Messersmith next in U.S.

Dates: 1935 November 26

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 619 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 November 29

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F38
Identifier: 0620-00
Scope and Contents No appreciable change in situation of Jews in Austria since last despatch on the subject; government opposed to discrimination against Jews; new Cabinet even more strongly opposed; young Jews find it increasingly difficult to enter legal and medical professions, but this difficulty is created by professional organizations, not government, in an attempt maintain an equilibrium between Jews and non-Jews in a profession; in theatre, business, art, literature, and newspaper field there seems to...
Dates: 1935 November 29

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 623 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 December 02

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0621-00
Scope and Contents Reports visit of Hungarian Prime Minister [Julius] Goemboes and Hungarian Foreign Minister, Koloman de Kanya, to Vienna on Nov. 28 and 29; they met with Chancellor Schuschnigg, Vice-Chancellor Starhemberg and Foreign Minister Berger-Waldenegg; they discussed problems common to Hungary and Austria, chiefly their relations with Italy and possible economic effects; both countries have refused to apply sanctions against Italy, but both have agreed that they will not leave the League of Nations...
Dates: 1935 December 02

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 624 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 December 02

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0622-00
Scope and Contents Reports on speech by Foreign Minister [Egon] Berger-Waldenegg at meeting of Bundestag on Nov. 28, in which Minister made clear statement of Austria's foreign policy; whole diplomatic corps had been invited to attend; speech began with statement on relations with Italy, and Austrian gratitude for Italy's economic and political support; spoke of friendship of France and Great Britain and role they had played in helping to guarantee Austria's independence; commented on cordial relations with...
Dates: 1935 December 02

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 625 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 December 03

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0623-00
Scope and Contents Comments on visit to Vienna of Hungarian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister and on Austrian Foreign Minister's speech on foreign policy; address given by Rost van Tonningen, representative of Financial Committee of League of Nations in Austria, and attended by ranking members of government; reviewed Austria's financial position and pointed out part League has played in maintaining Austria's financial situation; Austrian attitude on sanctions has somewhat alienated League sympathies; van...
Dates: 1935 December 03

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1935 December 04

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0624-00
Scope and Contents Austrian Government disturbed over unfavorable repercussions in Geneva to its attitude on sanctions and unfavorable turn in Credit Anstalt negotiations in London; position of Foreign Minister severely shaken and he is likely to be replaced; Foreign Minister made speech before Bundestag, attempting to clear up Austrian position; his statement acceptable to everyone except Italy and Germany; [Julius] Goemboes and [Koloman de] Kanya visited Vienna last week to talk with Austrian leaders about...
Dates: 1935 December 04

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1935 December 06

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0625-00
Scope and Contents Understands [William] Phillips went to London with U.S. delegation [to Naval Conference]; sending clipping from London Times giving sidelight on [Ernst Franz Sedgwick] Hanfstaengl whose case against Daily Express came up some time ago; Hanfstaengl trying to regain favor in Berlin; Keith Merrill here recently to look over residence which is recommended for purchase; Merrill pleased with house and agreed U.S. should buy it as permanent residence for U.S. Minister; price is reasonable;...
Dates: 1935 December 06

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, London., 1935 December 07

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0626-00
Scope and Contents

Sending copy of letter to [James Clement] Dunn dated Dec. 4 which will keep Phillips in touch with developments in Austria; England on right path but doubts proper English-French cooperation as long as [Pierre] Laval is in his position; hopes Phillip's London visit is interesting and not too strenuous.

Dates: 1935 December 07

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Robert Worth Bingham, London., 1935 December 07

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0627-00
Scope and Contents

Sending herewith letter for Undersecretary [William] Phillips, who is to be in London; will appreciate Bingham's seeing that he gets it.

Dates: 1935 December 07

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 636 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1935 December 13

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0628-00
Scope and Contents Austria's internal situation quiet and controlled, but she occupies precarious position because of general European situation; she is trying to maintain friendly relations with Italy and at the same time cultivate England and France, and to strengthen friendly relations with Hungary and the other states of the Little Entente; it was announced that Chancellor [Kurt Schuschnigg] would visit Prague and address an industrial group there; Austria and Czechoslovakia have been working on a trade...
Dates: 1935 December 13

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1935 December 13

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0629-00
Scope and Contents [Fritz] Stockinger, Minister of Commerce, to be dropped from Cabinet; likely that [Ludwig] Draxler, Minister of Finance, will take over both posts; Austria concerned over her position in case of sudden German move against her; England and France could not act quickly enough to save her, and Italy, with her Army involved in Abyssinia, not likely to use troops in Austria's defense; reports German plans for placing 30,000 men in barracks within striking distance of Austrian frontier; internal...
Dates: 1935 December 13

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Robert Worth Bingham, London., 1935 December 16

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0630-00
Scope and Contents

Sending herewith private letter for [William] Phillips; if he has left for Paris, will appreciate having it forwarded to him there.

Dates: 1935 December 16

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Jessie I. Straus, Paris., 1935 December 16

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0631-00
Scope and Contents

Sent by courier envelope addressed to Ambassador [Robert Worth] Bingham in London; in envelope is letter for [William] Phillips; if Phillips is in Paris when courier arrives or is expected shortly, will be grateful if Straus will have someone see that Phillips gets it; otherwise send it on to London.

Dates: 1935 December 16

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, London., 1935 December 17

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0632-00
Scope and Contents Comments on Anglo-French proposals on Abyssinia; believes damage done even if proposals don't go through; Italy threatening to go to war if oil sanctions are applied; Germany threatening to move in Central Europe; England and France want peace, but they are taking shortsighted view; better a short war now than a long and worse war later; no way U.S. can help Europe out of mess except to give moral support; Keith Merrill in Vienna in November, looked at house, and agreed U.S. should buy it as...
Dates: 1935 December 17

Straus, Jesse Isador, Paris. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1935 December 18

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: F39
Identifier: 0633-00
Scope and Contents

Courier due in Paris on Dec. 21; will see that [William] Phillips receives his letter in Paris, or send it on to England, whichever seems wisest course.

Dates: 1935 December 18