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Box 7


Contains 137 Results:

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 856 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1936 August 10

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0708-00
Scope and Contents Dr. Rost van Tonningen has resigned as League of Nations financial adviser in Austria, stating that the present soundness of Austrian economy made his trusteeship superfluous, and that his services are needed in his native Holland; personal considerations may have affected his decision; van Tonningen had been close personal friend of Chancellor Dollfuss and had exerted a measure of political influence; after death of Dollfuss, he did not enjoy the same influence, Chancellor Schuschnigg being...
Dates: 1936 August 10

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 857 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1936 August 10

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0709-00
Scope and Contents Nazi demonstration in Vienna on evening of July 29 when Olympic flame kindled in Greece, was passing through on its way to inaugurate Olympic games in Berlin; 700 persons arrested, many of them Austrian Nazis recently released under terms of amnesty of July 22; Germany disclaims responsibility for demonstration, but no doubt it was German inspired; many of the demonstrators were paid by sources believed to be from over the frontier; mass meeting of Popular Front held on July 31 to protest...
Dates: 1936 August 10

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To the Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1936 August 14

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0710-00
Scope and Contents Attended Music Festival at Salzburg during last weekend; saw premiere of Die Meistersinger in which Charles Kullman of New Haven sang leading role; America should be proud of him; many notables from all over world present, including distinguished Americans; Miss [Frances] Perkins arriving today and Mr. and Mrs. [Wilbur J.] Carr; was fortunate in securing good seats for them; tourist season best since end of war; will mean great increase in foreign exchange holdings; August a quiet month in...
Dates: 1936 August 14

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To the Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1936 August 21

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0711-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 712. Chancellor struggles against German pressure; talked with Dr. Wildner, who headed Austrian delegation to Berlin for commercial talks; he reported Germans wanted everything, but not prepared to give anything; definite negotiations for trade treaty to begin end of September, but Wildner gloomy; he knew German pressure would be greater; Rost van Tonningen, League Financial Committee representative in Austria, has resigned; doubts he will be replaced; likely that all...
Dates: 1936 August 21

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1936 August 24

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0712-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 711. Enclosing copy of Aug. 21 letter to Secretary; [Nicolas] Horthy [de Nagybanya] arrived Vienna Aug. 21, called on Chancellor, and went on to Tyrol; his route passed through German territory [near Berchtesgaden] and there's little doubt that he saw Hitler; Hungary dissatisfied with secondary role she plays; rumored that Mussolini as well as Hitler was to meet Horthy, but doubts that; hand of [Franz] von Papen seen in this; he may have encouraged Horthy to seek interview...
Dates: 1936 August 24

Hull, Cordell, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1936 August 26

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0713-00
Scope and Contents

Is indebted to Messersmith for last two letters, containing elaborate, timely and valuable comment; is carefully studying each.

Dates: 1936 August 26

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Secretary of State [Cordell] Hull., 1936 August 28

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0714-00
Scope and Contents Does not know substance of conversation [Nicolas] Horthy de Nagybanya had with Hitler, but has learned [Franz] von Papen arranged visit with object of forcing Austria into Vienna-Budapest-Berlin combination; Hungary unhappy over her inactive role and disappointed that her revisionist aspirations were receiving no attention; health of Hungarian Premier [Julius] Goemboes poor and Regent Horthy has had to take more active part in government; Horthy being pressed by legitimists for restoration...
Dates: 1936 August 28

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Washington., 1936 September 10

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0715-00
Scope and Contents

Austria enjoying profitable tourist season; hotels full; among distinguished visitors are King of Belgium and King of England; Germany starting new offensive against Communism; object to break up Soviet pacts with Czechoslovakia and France, to isolate Russia and weaken France; Germany eases persecution of church in return for Vatican support in drive against Communism.

Dates: 1936 September 10

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 894 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1936 September 10

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0716-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 728. Transmitting memorandum covering certain aspects of the situation in various countries of Europe in 1914 and 1936.

Dates: 1936 September 10

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1936 September 11

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0717-00
Scope and Contents

Sending copy of letter of Sept. 10 to Secretary re new German drive against Communism and reported agreement between Berlin and Vatican; Cardinal [Eugenio] Pacelli thought to be going to Berlin to conclude arrangements; understands Vatican's concern over German Church, but doubts new agreement will help any more than old concordat; sending clippings from London Times concerning church matter, financial failure of Olympic Games, and Nuremberg Party meeting.

Dates: 1936 September 11

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1936 September 15

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0718-00
Scope and Contents Influx of royal visits during extraordinary tourist season; 31 million schillings in foreign exchange received during August alone; royal visitors include King of Belgium, King of Spain, Prince Paul of Yugoslavia, Duke of Kent, Italian Crown Prince and his wife, and King of England; King of England's visit was an informal holiday, although he did call on President and Chancellor; he came with small entourage, including Mrs. Simpson, wandered about streets with Mrs. Simpson, visted museums,...
Dates: 1936 September 15

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 902 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1936 September 15

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0719-00
Scope and Contents Comments on effects on European situation of Austro-German accord of July 11, 1936; Chancellor has so far held to "Dollfuss Line"; negotiations to improve trade relations between Germany and Austria have come to nothing, but will continue; Germany lifted the 1000 mark visa fee; has not had expected results; no more German tourists in Austria than previously; some had feared an influx of Nazis and increased Nazi propaganda, but fears unrealized; comments in German press following accord...
Dates: 1936 September 15

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Secretary of State [Cordell] Hull., 1936 September 18

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0720-00
Scope and Contents Since occupation of Rhineland, most German objectives lie beyond her frontiers, where she is meeting greater difficulties; Berlin recognizes balance of power still against her and dangers of war still too great for Germany; has the result of slowing things up for her, but does not change basic situation; offensive against Russia and Communism has fallen flat; London Times editorial says England will not be drawn into ideological controversy; Pope, in speech to Spanish refugees, was as...
Dates: 1936 September 18

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1936 September 18

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0721-00
Scope and Contents Sending copy of Sept. 18 letter to Secretary; enclosing clippings from London Times which may be of interest to Dunn and [Rudolf Emil] Schoenfeld; British interest in Southeastern Europe again keen; important Englishmen coming to Vienna to observe situation; English disturbed over German demand for colonies; pressure cannot be ignored; English agree something should be done about it, but concerned about how it should be done and possible effects; thinks giving colonies to Germany while...
Dates: 1936 September 18

Hull, Cordell, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1936 September 22

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0722-00
Scope and Contents

Acknowledges letter of Aug. 28; information interesting; has made it available to associates in Department.

Dates: 1936 September 22

Dunn, James C[lement], Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1936 September 23

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0723-00
Scope and Contents

Just returned from vacation and read copies of Messersmith's letters to Secretary; interested in Austro-German agreement; looking forward to Messersmith's further comments; had good rest and feeling fit.

Dates: 1936 September 23

G.S. Messersmith, Vienna. To Mrs. Dorothy Thompson Lewis, Vermont., 1936 September 23

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F45
Identifier: 0723-01
Scope and Contents Acknowledges letters of August 14 and 15. Describes circumstances of Colonel Lindberg[sic]'s visit to the Olympic games. Believes that LIndberg's [sic] having tea with Crown Prince is reason for Hitler> not receiving him in Berlin. Situation has improved only in the postponement of the real probability of war in the near future. Elements of eventual explosion are still present....
Dates: 1936 September 23

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 914 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington., 1936 September 24

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0724-00
Scope and Contents Internal situation of Austria quiet; meeting of Little Entente states in Bratislava; economic pressure from Germany no doubt strengthened ties of Little Entente; Austrian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. [Guido] Schmidt went to Rome, ostensibly on routine visit but primarily for purpose of determining what attitude should be taken as consequence of Bratislava meeting; Schmidt has again emphasized importance of Rome Protocols, states that they do not form a bloc, but are open to...
Dates: 1936 September 24

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Washington., 1936 September 25

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0725-00
Scope and Contents

Pouch leaving today carrying despatch 914, and will refrain from further comment.

Dates: 1936 September 25

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Wilbur J. Carr, Washington., 1936 September 25

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0726-00
Scope and Contents

Sending copy of Sept. 18 letter to Secretary; calls attention to despatch No. 914 which Carr will find interesting; leaving Sept. 26 by car to put Mrs. Mustard and Martha [Mrs. Messersmith's mother and sister] on boat at Hamburg; hopes Carr had pleasant voyage home.

Dates: 1936 September 25

Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington., 1936 September 25

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0727-00
Scope and Contents Sending copy of letter to Secretary; calls attention to despatch no. 914; Austrian Minister for Finance in Geneva for talks on budget and removal of League financial control in Austria; some think Austria has lost interest in League and will get out if Italy does, but that is not the case; Chancellor did not go to Geneva because there was nothing on agenda Finance Minister could not handle, but he has indicated to French and English Ministers his willingness to go if [Yvon] Delbos or...
Dates: 1936 September 25

Memorandum concerning certain aspects of the situation in Europe in 1914 and 1936, prepared by G.S. Messersmith., [1936 September]

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0728-00
Scope and Contents

Copy enclosed with No. 716. Believes war inevitable; compares economic and social conditions, military position, and foreign policy in 1914 with conditions in 1936 for each country in Europe.

Dates: [1936 September]

McMillan, Thos. S. and Jack K. McFall, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., [1936 September]

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0729-00
Scope and Contents

Enjoyed meeting Messersmith during visit to Vienna; commends Messersmith on manner in which he solved housing problem for offices and residence in Vienna; Sub-Committee of Appropriations Committee likes idea of housing all U.S. offices in any given area under one roof.

Dates: [1936 September]

Phillips, William, Rome. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1936 October 03

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0730-00
Scope and Contents

Acknowledges letter of Sept. 22 and copies of despatches; has not had time to read despatches yet, but will take them home for weekend; spent night in Paris on way to Rome and dined with [Wilbur J.] Carrs at Edwin Wilson's; Carrs spoke with enthusiasm about their visit to Austria; doesn't know when trip to Vienna will be possible; cannot leave until after presentation of letters to King, who is away until middle of November; is to be received by Mussolini next Tuesday.

Dates: 1936 October 03

Hull, Cordell, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Vienna., 1936 October 05

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: F46
Identifier: 0731-00
Scope and Contents

Acknowledges letter of Sept. 10; glad to have Messersmith's impressions of general European situation.

Dates: 1936 October 05