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Box 9


Contains 113 Results:

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To John C. Wiley, Vienna., 1938 March 16

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0963-00
Scope and Contents Sympathy for Austrian friends in German takeover; not sure German domination of Austria permanent; President and Secretary [of State] determined U.S. will hold to line it has taken in foreign policy; have not recognized puppet state of Manchuko nor Italian sovereignty over Ethiopia; delaying decision on consular and diplomatic establishments in Vienna; no need for concern at present over matter of exequaturs; should try to stop work on residence in Vienna; get an agreement from contractor,...
Dates: 1938 March 16

Haskell, Henry J., Kansas City. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 March 21

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0964-00
Scope and Contents

Recalls conversation with Messersmith in Vienna in 1935 and with [M.W.] Fodor; Fodor thought majority of Austrians favored Anschluss; Robert Dell guesses 70 percent of Austrians against Hitler coup; Thomas Mann insisted fact that Hitler would not allow plebiscite proof that Austrians overwhelmingly against him; extent of demonstrations and enthusiasm of welcome raises questions; asks for Messersmith's impression.

Dates: 1938 March 21

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Henry J. Haskell, Kansas City, Mo., 1938 March 22

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0965-00
Scope and Contents

A Pan-German group exists in Austria but not more than 27 percent; many Austrian Nazis thought of a Nazi Austria,not one absorbed into Nazi Germany; Nazis in Austria increased in activity but not in strength; should not be misled by radio and newspaper reports of "enthusiasm" of Austrian people for the Anschluss; German government in Austria devaluated Austrian schilling and took over gold reserves of Austrian National Bank, impoverishing Austrians.

Dates: 1938 March 22

Geist, Raymond H., Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 March 23

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0966-00
Scope and Contents

Union of Austria with Germany gives political impetus to Hitler's program; Czechoslovakia to be next; England and France unprepared for more than protest; balance of power has shifted to side of dictators; situation affects not only U.S. trade but position among world powers.

Dates: 1938 March 23

Geist, Raymond H., Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 March 24

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0967-00
Scope and Contents

Pierre Huss of Hearst press just returned from Vienna and reports distressing conditions there; repressive measures taken against foreign correspondents in Berlin; only news favorable to German government may be sent out; some correspondents likely to be expelled.

Dates: 1938 March 24

Geist, Raymond H., Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 March 24

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0968-00
Scope and Contents

Member of Austrian legation believes himself in danger of arrest and asked Geist's help in leaving country; little he could do; [Stefan] Tauschitz saved himself by going over to Nazis; [Austrian] Consul General Ludwig Jordan arrested in Munich; appealed to Ambassador [Hugh R. Wilson] for help, but Ambassador could not properly interfere in internal affairs.

Dates: 1938 March 24

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1938 March 24

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0969-00
Scope and Contents Asks Geist's help in refreshing memory regarding 1933 incident when German Christian Science Churches were closed; recalls that [J. Emlyn] Williams, Berlin correspondent for Christian Science Monitor, had called on him and reported Lord Astor, prominent M.P. and Christian Scientist, with three associates had been unable to arrange contact with German authorities through British Embassy; offered to arrange for them to see head of Ministry of Interior; Astor and associates received courteously...
Dates: 1938 March 24

[Richardson, Gardner], Vienna. Report on seizure of Jewish property and persecution of Jews in Austria., 1938 March 25

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0970-00
Scope and Contents

Homes and shops of Austrian Jews raided by S.S. and S.A.; money, and valuables seized; Jews not permitted to leave country; Jewish doctors and judges dismissed; many arrests; specific instances of persecution.

Dates: 1938 March 25

Richardson, Gardner, Vienna. Report on persecution of Jews in, 1938 March 27

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0971-00
Scope and Contents

Jewish stores picketed; Jews required to wear placards and often are physically attacked without provocation; Jew returned from Dachau reported working ten hours a day in peat bog on insufficient food; Jewish store owners practically bankrupt; receipts down to nothing, but not permitted to dismiss Aryan employees as long as owner has any assets.

Dates: 1938 March 27

[Rogers] Alan [S], Rome. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 April 01

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0972-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 962. Has received no copies of [John Cooper] Wiley's despatches from Vienna since German's took over; correspondents under pressure; [Alfred] Tyrnauer arrested; [M.W.] Fodor escaped to Prague; [G.E.R.] Gedye expelled; summarizes events in Austria from Italian angle; putsche in Austria was surprise to Italians, as was announcement of plebiscite; Mussolini made contradictory speech; apparently willing to make best of situation at price of playing minor role in axis; Vatican...
Dates: 1938 April 01

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. Memorandum to The Secretary [Cordell Hull] the Undersecretary [Sumner Welles] and [Jay Pierrepont] Moffat., 1938 April 04

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0973-00
Scope and Contents

Quotes letter received by Mrs. Messersmith from Mrs. Sylvia Pollack, British citizen whose husband, Edmond, a Jew, also British citizen had been respected businessman in Vienna for ten years; on Mar. 12 all their property was confiscated and they were forced to leave country.

Dates: 1938 April 04

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1938 April 05

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F61
Identifier: 0974-00
Scope and Contents Appreciates Geist's comments on European situation; U.S. newspapers would prefer to withdraw correspondents from Germany rather than have their news censored by German government; glad to learn Geist and Ambassador [Wilson] getting along well; Geist now to have dual commission - as First Secretary of Embassy, and Consul General, work in dual capacity confined to protection matters; Donald Heath [First Secretary at Consulate] will do financial reporting; statutes prevent allowing more than...
Dates: 1938 April 05

[Messersmith, G.S., Washington]., 1938 April 05

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0975-00
Scope and Contents

See Nos. 966-968. Note from Davies missing. Memorandum to [J. Pierrepont] Moffat transmitting notes from [Raymond H.] Geist, one dated Mar. 23, and two dated Mar. 24; also transmitting note from [Joseph E.] Davies in Moscow, dated Mar. 10; asks that notes be returned.

Dates: 1938 April 05

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington] Memorandum to the Acting Secretary, [Sumner Welles]., 1938 April 16

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0976-00
Scope and Contents

Pencilled note on p. 1: "Mr. Welles will give copy to President Monday, April 18, 1938." Calls attention to status of bill to establish Foreign Commerce Service under Secretary of Commerce; proposed law would effect conduct of foreign relations and perpetuate present divided responsibilities; the President should be informed.

Dates: 1938 April 16

Geist, Raymond H., Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, [Washington]., 1938 April 20

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0977-00
Scope and Contents Mrs. [Gustav] Stresemann away; when she returns will read Messersmith's letter to her and then destroy it; will write again when he has heard from [J. Emlyn] Williams regarding Astor's Berlin visit in 1933; pleased with his appointment to Embassy staff; believes certain people in Foreign Office may not be pleased; will observe amenities, but will not try to curry favor; sent telegram to Mr. Walter Lichtenstein in Chicago, advising him of departure of young lady going to U.S. to join her...
Dates: 1938 April 20

Geist, Raymond H., Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 April 23

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0978-00
Scope and Contents Hears that general impression in America is that war is imminent; believes it will not be in near future; [Konrad] Henlein returned to Czechoslovakia from Germany with instructions from Hitler to proceed with his demands; England and France urging [Eduard] Benes to accede to demands; Anglo-Italian agreement has eased European situation, but Berlin-Rome axis continues to present strong front; prestige of regime never higher, and position of Hitler never stronger; Germans making great effort...
Dates: 1938 April 23

William, J. Emlyn, Berlin. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1938 April 23

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0979-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 997. Answers Messersmith's inquiries; British visitors [in interests of Christian Science churches in Germany] were Lord Astor, Charles W. J. Tennant, and J. S. Braithwaite; audience with Minister [Wilhelm] Frick took place Sept. 28, 1933; Messersmith made repeated calls to authorities to settle matter immediately.

Dates: 1938 April 23

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. Memorandum to [J. Pierrepont] Moffat and [Joseph] Flack., 1938 April 26

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0980-00
Scope and Contents

Informs of activity of German and German-American organizations in U.S.,especially Board of Trade for German-American Commerce in New York.

Dates: 1938 April 26

[Deedes, Wyndham] London. Report to the Undersecretary of State, Foreign Office., 1938 April 28

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0981-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1004. Went to Vienna to inquire into situation of Jewish Community there; found it extremely grave; many Jews in Vienna and provinces arrested without cause; Jewish businesses ruined or taken over by Aryans without compensation; small Jewish communities also victimized; after being disposessed of all they owned, Jews were forced to sign declaration that they were giving up their possesions and leaving voluntarily; ill treatment and seizure of property the work of S.A.,...
Dates: 1938 April 28

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To Acting Secretary [Sumner Welles]., 1938 April 29

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0982-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 983. Memorandum reporting conversations with [Key] Pittman and [Samuel Davis] McReynolds regarding bill before Congress governing Foreign Commerce Service; President approved amendment to bill which would authorize him by executive order to incorporate Foreign Commerce into Dept. of State; Pittman and McReynolds favorable to amendment and will try to get it through or postpone action on bill until amendment can be considered; Secretary [Cordell Hull] will want to discuss...
Dates: 1938 April 29

[Messersmith, G.S.]. Memorandum to Harry [A. McBride]., 1938 April 30

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0983-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 982. Transmitting copy of memorandum prepared by [Sumner] Welles Apr. 29; Welles will probably take up matter with Secretary [Cordell Hull] immediately on his return.

Dates: 1938 April 30

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. Memorandum of conversation with Brien McMahon, LeMarch Hardy, and [Dorsey Gassaway] Fisher, with copies to The Secretary [Cordell Hull] and The Undersecretary [Sumner Welles]., 1938 April 30

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0984-00
Scope and Contents Hardy came to Washington to place before Dept. of Justice evidence gathered in the [Guenther Gustav] Rumrich case; 6 or 7 persons in custody and he was prepared to present their cases to Grand Jury for indictment; others were out of the country, including Dr. Ernst Wilhelm Bohle of German Foreign Office and Captain Erich Pfeiffer, head of German Military Secret Service; told Hardy he should not take up matter with Grand Jury until he consults the Secretary [Cordell Hull] when he returns to...
Dates: 1938 April 30

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. Memorandum to the Secretary [Cordell Hull], the Undersecretary [Sumner Welles], the Counselor [R. Walton Moore], [Francis B.] Sayre, [Adolf A.] Berle, [James C.] Dunn, [Stanley K.] Hornbeck, [J. Pierrepont] Moffat, [Maxwell M.] Hamilton, [Wallace] Murray, and [Lawrence] Duggan., 1938 May 03

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0985-00
Scope and Contents Expropriation and seizure of private property by German government continues; relates story of a Mr. and Mrs. Jolles, Austrian or Czech citizens in Vienna, whose considerable business was confiscated shortly after German occupation of Austria; Mrs. Jolles in U.S. on business at the time; husband, a semi-invalid, was arrested; Mrs. Jolles refused to return to Vienna, but agreed to meet her husband in Paris where he was being brought under guard and would sign any papers releasing her property...
Dates: 1938 May 03

Richardson, Gardner, Vienna., 1938 May 03

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0986-00
Scope and Contents

Report on arrest of Jews arriving from Burgenland on the grounds that they are without means; among 70 arrested and imprisoned are boys 13-16 years old; mothers and small children not arrested, but separated from husbands and fathers.

Dates: 1938 May 03

Richardson, Gardner, Vienna. Report., 1938 May 06

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: F62
Identifier: 0987-00
Scope and Contents

Jews forced out of business; Kommissäre appointed for each Jewish firm, adding to operational costs; despite reduced receipts, firms are forced to raise wages and retain all Aryan employees on payroll; when forced into bankruptcy firm then bought by Aryan interests at reduced price.

Dates: 1938 May 06