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Box 10


Contains 130 Results:

Alling, Paul H. [Washington]. To the Secretary [Cordell Hull]., 1938 November 07

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1065-00
Scope and Contents Walther Funk, German Minister of Economy, reported to have declared in Istanbul that Germany was negotiating with U.S. for conclusion commercial treaty; purpose of Funk's visit to Turkey was to extend credit of $60,000,000 for Turkish purchases in Germany; offer probably made to counteract impression made several months ago when Britain extended $80,000,000 credit to Turkey that Turkey had been brought into the British camp; official of German Foreign Office reported to have doubts that...
Dates: 1938 November 07

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1938 November 07

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1066-00
Scope and Contents (Last page or pages missing). Intergovernmental Refugee Committee a mistake; should have helped present League Commission rather than set up separate organization; [Myron] Taylor a tower of strength; wants to help refugees, but realizes refugee problem must not be used as a pawn in the game of economic negotiations; [George] Rublee, director of the Committee, a great lawyer, but not interested in U.S. economic policy; Rublee would like to get the job done and come home, using whatever means...
Dates: 1938 November 07

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To D.N. Heineman, Brussels., 1938 November 07

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1067-00
Scope and Contents With wife, had two weeks on Cape Cod in July; since return has worked twelve to fourteen hours a day, but heälth stays good; many changes for better made in organization of State Dept.; election tomorrow and probable loss of some Democratic seats in Congress; rift between government and business is narrowing; business unquestionably improving; disappointed in policy of appeasement practiced by England and France; maintenance of British Empire important to U.S.; Anglo-American cooperation has...
Dates: 1938 November 07

[Geist], Raymond[H], Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, [Washington]., 1938 November 07

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1068-00
Scope and Contents Additions to Berlin staff unnecessary this year; visa department functioning with greater proficiency under [Hallick Lovejoy] Rose; at Stuttgart consulate almost whole staff working on visas; expects to relieve pressure there by taking quota numbers away and increasing issuing volume at Berlin; work on Blucher Palace will be completed by March 1 and establishment will be installed by end of month; the building not a "makeshift," but one to be proud of; cheap marks bought from German...
Dates: 1938 November 07

Memorandum of conversation between Assistant Secretary of Commerce [Richard C.] Patterson and G.S. Messersmith, copies to the Secretary [Cordell Hull] and the Undersecretary [Sumner Welles]., 1938 November 08

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1069-00
Scope and Contents Dined with Patterson at his home and is now convinced Patterson's opposition to proposed consolidation of Foreign Services was due to lack of understanding; when it was explained to him that the measure was a necessary one, that commercial and economic reporting would continue, and that the Commerce Dept. would be strengthened rather than weakened, he seemed more favorable to the idea; gathered from Patterson that Secretary [Daniel C.] Roper is unalterably opposed; thinks it means loss of...
Dates: 1938 November 08

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To Leslie A. Wheeler, Foreign Agricultural Service, Washington., 1938 November 08

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1070-00
Scope and Contents Answers questions raised in Wheeler's memorandum of Oct. 24 with respect to proposed merger of Foreign Services; funds for maintenance of Unified Foreign Service should be requested by State Dept. in its budget; funds for disseminating in this country agricultural information received from the field should be asked for by Dept. of Agriculture in its budget; adequate personnel will be provided by transferring present Foreign Agricultural officers to Dept. of State; continuation of...
Dates: 1938 November 08

Messersmith, G.S. Memorandum to the Secretary [Cordell Hull] and to the Undersecretary [Sumner Welles]., 1938 November 09

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1071-00
Scope and Contents President realizes need for consolidation of Foreign Services of Commerce and Agriculture into that of State Dept.; existing situation causes friction among officers and reduces usefulness; Foreign officers of Commerce and Agriculture approve consolidation; commodity reporting remains important, and trade promotion must continue, but major problem is keeping open channels of trade which involves negotiation with governments; legislation to provide for consolidation should be prepared for...
Dates: 1938 November 09

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]., 1938 November 10

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1072-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1073. Memorandum transmitting copy of letter from Central European correspondent [M. W. Fodor] to editor of a leading newspaper commenting on Hungarian situation; copies to the Secretary [Cordell Hull] and Undersecretary [Sumner Welles].

Dates: 1938 November 10

Unidentified Central European correspondent [M.W. Fodor ?]. To editor of unidentified American newspaper., 1938 November

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1073-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1072. In Budapest recently and talked with Tibor Eckhardt; German pressure on Hungary great; Hungarians wish to remain neutral; regent, Nicholas Horthy, Nazi sympathizer; Germans subsidizing Hungarian peasants to gain their support; Nazis promise land to landless, business to Gentiles by eliminating Jews, reduction of taxes to capitalists; Hungarian Nazis broken into factions; leaders incapable and unscrupulous; Premier Darányi and Foreign Minister von Kánya know friendship...
Dates: 1938 November

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Walford Selby, Lisbon., 1938 November 12

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1074-00
Scope and Contents Truce of Munich a poor one; German objectives unchanged; Germany needs greater economic freedom and would like to negotiate with U.S. and Britain to gain it; but on her own terms; no use negotiating when there is no chance of success; [Cordell] Hull made speech at National Foreign Trade Council Meeting replying to those who felt change in economic policy necessary as result of Munich Agreement; hoped to go to Europe next summer, but can make no plans; reorganization [of State Dept.] only...
Dates: 1938 November 12

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To Secretary [Cordell Hull]., 1938 November 14

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1075-00
Scope and Contents

In view of wholesale arrests, plundering, and terrorizing of innocent people in Germany during last few days, suggests calling Ambassador [Hugh R.] Wilson from Berlin for "consultation"; believes it can do no harm and may have salutary effect.

Dates: 1938 November 14

Telegram to American Embassy, Berlin., 1938 November 14

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1076-00
Scope and Contents

Orders Ambassador [Hugh R. Wilson] to the U.S. on first available non-German ship; he is to say at the German Foreign Office that his orders are to report to Washington for consultation.

Dates: 1938 November 14

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1938 November 14

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1077-00
Scope and Contents Concerned over political reporting from Vienna; discussed matter with [Joseph] Flack in European Division who agreed there had been let-up in reporting from Vienna and that the Consulate there was not following channels; consulate should report to Embassy at least once a week; should not be prohibited from communicating directly with Department, but copies of all communications should be forwarded to Embassy; not sure of [John Heath] Morgan's good judgment; reporting from Vienna still...
Dates: 1938 November 14

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Leland B. Morris, Vienna., 1938 November 15

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1078-00
Scope and Contents

Vienna as important as any consular establishment in Germany; essential that Embassy in Berlin be informed of what happens in Austria; copy of all letters to Embassy should be forwarded to Department; when occasion arises for consular officer to direct a despatch directly to Department, copy should be sent to Embassy; duty of reporting may be delegated to one of the consular officers.

Dates: 1938 November 15

Press cutting from the Washington Evening Star., 1938 November 15

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1079-00
Scope and Contents

1 col., mounted. Ambassador Hugh Wilson not likely to return to Germany soon; reason for Wilson's "reporting" trip to Washington Reich activities in South America as well as persecution of Jews in Germany; 500,000 Jews still living in Germany; few countries willing to admit them because of present state of economy; anti-Semitism growing in Europe; some countries, such as Italy, merely following Germany's example.

Dates: 1938 November 15

Press cutting from the Washington Evening Star. Editorial., 1938 November 15

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F69
Identifier: 1080-00
Scope and Contents

1 col., mounted. President's prompt action in recalling Ambassador Hugh R. Wilson from Berlin approved by whole nation; most drastic manner code of diplomacy permits of rebuking Hitler regime for persecution of Jews; European democracies, no less incensed than U.S., may be encouraged to consider similar measures.

Dates: 1938 November 15

Press cutting from the Washington Evening Star. David Lawrence column., 1938 November 15

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1081-00
Scope and Contents 3 cols., mounted. Ambassador Hugh R. Wilson ordered to Washington for reports and consultation; recall was U.S. government's method of registering protest against recent outbursts of Nazi persecution of innocent people; diplomatic relations not officially broken; business of Embassy in Berlin will be conducted by a Chargé d'Affaires for indefinite period; if Nazi's take hint, German Ambassador to U.S. may be recalled; treatment of German nationals within German boundaries not usually subject...
Dates: 1938 November 15

Sayre, Francis B., [Washington]. To W.H. Lukens, Camden, N.J., 1938 November 15

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1082-00
Scope and Contents

Question of improving and strengthening machinery of government for conduct of foreign relations receiving careful study by President and departments concerned; no thought of curtailing any services government renders to business, but rather of strengthening them.

Dates: 1938 November 15

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To D.N. Heineman, Brussels., 1938 November 28

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1083-00
Scope and Contents Spent week in New York resting and attending theatre; British and Canadian trade agreements signed; Chamberlain not anxious to sign British agreement, but forced to or forsake Anglo-American relations; Ambassador [Hugh R. Wilson] called home from Berlin, and Germany retaliates by recalling their own; British and French will not grant belligerant rights to Franco now; Franco regime in Spain would be disastrous; Catholics in U.S. now realize they made mistake in backing Franco; news from...
Dates: 1938 November 28

Department of Commerce. Washington., 1938 November 28

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1083-01
Scope and Contents

The Foreign Commerce Service. Summary

Dates: 1938 November 28

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1938 November 30

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1084-00
Scope and Contents Sending letter by Avra Warren; Warren going on inspection trip; some officers in Europe too lax in granting visitor's visas; once an alien is in U.S. on visitor's visa he cannot be thrown out if he has nowhere to go; cannot change immigration laws; a Foreign Service officer should follow regulations whatever his personal views may be; strength of present regime in Germany may not be as great as we are led to believe; Germany makes such a display of her power that it may be difficult for...
Dates: 1938 November 30

Rogers, Alan S., Rome. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 December 01

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1085-00
Scope and Contents p. 4 autograph. Passed Messersmith's message to Baron Egon Berger-Waldenegg; he is grateful for Messersmith's efforts in his behalf; his prospects bright, though unable yet to find employment; among Italian friends impression is that "Mussolini has sold himself down the river to our friends up North;"an Italian friend in Foreign Office said, "We did not have a Jewish problem in Italy until the government decided to create one"; U.S. is Public Enemy No. 1 with Italian government; government...
Dates: 1938 December 01

Unsigned memorandum on conversation with X in Switzerland., 1938 December 04

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1086-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1143. In X's view any attempt to impose political systems of Western world on Balkan states would prove disastrous; Hitler, making such attempt, may "get his fingers burned"; Western Europe should limit its interest in this area to economic assistance and development; Bulgaria in strongest position with 80 percent of population engaged in agriculture; industrialization in Rumania too rapid because of high percent of illiteracy; Germany has arranged to buy wheat from these...
Dates: 1938 December 04

Geist, Raymond H., Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1938 December 05

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1087-00
Scope and Contents Director [George Rublee, of Intergovernmental Refugee Committee] should not come to Germany himself, but send Assistant Director, Robert Pell, who could come without attracting attention of press and investigate possibilities of financial arrangement [for evacuation of refugees]; situation seems hopeless; Nazis intend to annihilate Jews and slight chance of cooperation from them; haste needed, before plight of Jews becomes so desperate they are beyond help, but caution also necessary; German...
Dates: 1938 December 05

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To Thomas S. Macmillan, Charleston, S.C., 1938 December 05

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F70
Identifier: 1088-00
Scope and Contents Changing world conditions make imperative consolidation of Foreign Services under State Dept.; former methods of trade promotion no longer effective; problem today one of keeping channels of trade open, which involves agreements between governments, and by law, only State Dept. officers are authorized to deal with foreign governments; President approves plan for consolidation; State Dept. and Agriculture Dept. in complete accord; believes 9 out of 10 Commercial Attachés and trade...
Dates: 1938 December 05