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Box 11


Contains 128 Results:

___ J.P., New York. To [G.S.] Messersmith, [Washington]., 1939 April 04

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1186-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosures: See Nos. 1177 and 1182. Through friend, Dr. H. S. Leiper received attached papers which might be of interest to Messersmith; Leiper sending copy of statement to [Francis B.] Sayre; X in Geneva about Mar. 23; last cable from London referred to "offer to King of Italy;" other reports that German people deeply divided and that complete severance of economic relations would accelerate progress of reasonable forces in Germany.

Dates: 1939 April 04

Geist, Raymond H., Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 April 04

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1187-00
Scope and Contents Acknowledges letter of Mar. 17 with copy of Jewish Telegraph Agency report; it is true, had talk with Mr. [Victor Heine] Bernstein, correspondent of Jewish Telegraph Agency in Berlin for last year or two; Bernstein has done good work in Vienna and Berlin and has not run amuck with Secret Police; wanted to give him background on negotiations which Intergovernmental had here; difficult to explain in letter realities of Jewish situation in Germany; whole problem bound up with U.S. immigration...
Dates: 1939 April 04

Memorandum on activities of X., 1939 April 08

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1188-00
Scope and Contents

Pencilled at side of memo: Bronisch, G.P. Cable received Apr. 7 reports X spent busy week in France conferring with French Premier; correspondent reports France and England now guarantee firmness following plan; X, back in Germany preparing "the day," date of which not yet fixed; report adds "general campaign against Hitler urgently needed."

Dates: 1939 April 08

[Geist], Raymond [H.], Berlin. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 April 12

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1189-00
Scope and Contents Acknowledges letter of Mar. 8 concerning German clerks in U.S. establishments in Germany; working now to supplant German clerks with American citizens, but bearing in mind long and faithful service rendered by some non-American members of staff; realizes even most faithful can be turned into spy by pressures authoritarian regime can exert; so far, believes no such attempt has been made, but taking every measure to see alien clerks do not have access to confidential material; has heard when...
Dates: 1939 April 12

Morgan, John H., Vienna. Memorandum to Leland B. Morris, Vienna., 1939 April 13

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1190-00
Scope and Contents

Asserts memorandum of Jewish Telegraph Agency written by [Victor Heine] Bernstein distorts statements; in conversation with Bernstein, stated that it was possible to get quicker and more decisive action from special agents sent from Germany than from Austrian Nazi officials, but said nothing which could be interpreted as praise or defense of Nazi regime.

Dates: 1939 April 13

Morris, Leland B., Vienna. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 April 17

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1191-00
Scope and Contents Received Messersmith's letter of Mar. 17 quoting remarks in report issued by Jewish Telegraph Agency; realized they could concern only himself, [John Heath] Morgan, or [John Hayes] Lord; appends copy of memorandum prepared by Morgan which explains what took place with Mr. [Victor Heine] Bernstein; Morgan a very sane and cautious officer; feels certain Bernstein distorted import of conversation with him; handling newspaper correspondents one of Service's most dreaded burdens; if one tells...
Dates: 1939 April 17

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1939 April 18

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1192-00
Scope and Contents

Acknowledges Geist's letter of April 4 concerning report of Jewish Telegraph Agency; obvious that Geist was the American diplomat referred to; thanks Geist for replying so fully; had felt certain Geist could not have made the statement that the Germans could be counted on to keep their promise, but thought the matter should be set straight; will take up the matter with the Agency and correct any misapprehensions.

Dates: 1939 April 18

Erhardt, John G., Rotterdam. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 April 18

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1193-00
Scope and Contents

Has heard no State Department Officer mention matter of consolidation; whatever gossip there is comes from Agricultural and Commercial Attachés.

Dates: 1939 April 18

H. B. To J[ohn] W. W[heeler-B[ennett]., 1939 April 21

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1194-00
Scope and Contents

Extracts from letters dated Apr. 21 and Apr. 24; reports imminence of outbreak of war; Germany to invade Poland not later than May 10; German Army no longer raising objections.

Dates: 1939 April 21

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To Secretary of State [Cordell Hull] and Undersecretary [Sumner Welles]., 1939 April 21

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1195-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1196. Transmitting English translation of extracts from speech by [Rudolf] Brinkmann at Cologne shortly before his retirement; press reports Brinkmann suffering from nervous breakdown, but speech does not leave impression of mental disorder; informed sources believe it was because of frankness of speech, he was forced into retirement.

Dates: 1939 April 21

Extracts from speech delivered by Secretary of State [Rudolf] Brinkmann to meeting of government officials and Nazi leaders at Cologne previous to occupation of Bohemia and Moravia., [1939 April]

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1196-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1195. Comments on shortage of labor, raw materials, and capital; sees only hope in cutting back on armaments and other government projects and manufacturing more goods for export.

Dates: [1939 April]

Wallace, Henry A., Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 April 21

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1197-00
Scope and Contents Gives reactions of Dept. of Agriculture to proposed consolidation of Foreign Services; agrees in principle to transfer of permanent field offices of Foreign Agricultural Service to State Dept., but is concerned about competence of Foreign Service officers assigned to agricultural work; feels his department should have voice in selection of staff and direction of activities; is keen on development of agricultural work, particularly in Latin America, and wants to see it continue; suggests...
Dates: 1939 April 21

Hull, Cordell, Washington. To Henry A. Wallace, Washington., 1939 April 21

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1198-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosing copy of plan for consolidation of Foreign Services of Agriculture and Commerce into Foreign Service of State Dept.; saw Wallace's letter of Apr. 21 to G. S. Messersmith; agrees to all of Wallace's stipulations; changes in wording of plan suggested by Wallace have been incorporated in enclosed draft.

Dates: 1939 April 21

Meissner, Otto L.E., Berlin. To [Counselor] Rudolf Dix, Berlin., 1939 April 21

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1199-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1239. Announces charges against Fritz Kreisler have been dropped.

Dates: 1939 April 21

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To Henry A. Wallace, [Washington]., 1939 April 22

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F77
Identifier: 1200-00
Scope and Contents

Appending copy of plan for consolidation of Foreign Services; draft identical with that submitted to [Leslie A.] Wheeler except that in President's message no reference is made to Advisory Committee, which can be taken care of later if thought advisable and in last paragraph "90 days" has been substituted for "60 days" to allow longer period for administrative adjustments.

Dates: 1939 April 22

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To John G. Erhardt, London., 1939 April 25

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1201-00
Scope and Contents

Acknowledges Erhardt's letter of Apr. 18; secured signatures of Secretaries [Cordell] Hull, [Henry] Wallace, and [Harry] Hopkins to reorganization plan and sent it to Budget today; hopes it will reach Senate before end of week; plan is sound; printed copies will be sent to all establishments in field.

Dates: 1939 April 25

Hull, Cordell, Washington. To President [Franklin D. Roosevelt]., 1939 April 25

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1202-00
Scope and Contents

2 copies. Plan for consolidation of Foreign Services of Agriculture and Commerce into that of State submitted to Director of Budget today along with proposed message from President; plan has full support of Secretaries of Agriculture and Commerce; a word from President to Director of Budget may hasten matters.

Dates: 1939 April 25

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Edgar Smith, New York., 1939 April 26

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1203-00
Scope and Contents With approval of President and Departments of State, Commerce, and Agriculture, plan submitted yesterday for consolidation of Foreign Services of Commerce and Agriculture with that of State; will probably be sent by President to Congress within week; appreciates Smith's interest in matter; plan sound in every way; sending copy of memorandum giving background and main outline of plan; asks Smith to keep matter confidential until after President submits it to Congress; thinks there will be...
Dates: 1939 April 26

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To [J. Pierrepont] Moffat and [James C.] Dunn., 1939 April 26

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1204-00
Scope and Contents

Appended material apparently refers to extracts from speech of Rudolf Brinkmann. (See No. 1196). Pencilled note at bottom of page in hand of James C. Dunn giving his reaction to Brinkmann speech. Dunn and Moffat will find appended material interesting; asks that it be returned.

Dates: 1939 April 26

Welles, [Sumner]. Memorandum to Gen. [Edwin M.] Watson, marked "Urgent", to be conveyed immediately to President., [1939 April 26]

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1205-00
Scope and Contents President has instructed Director of Budget to submit plan for consolidation of Foreign Services along with other inter-departmental plans on May 3; under provisions of Reorganization Act actual reclassification of Foreign Service officers of Commerce and Agriculture transferred to State cannot be effected until following fiscal year - after July 1, 1940; if plan for consolidation is sent to Congress on May 1, consolidation can be effected in fiscal year beginning July 1, 1939; President may...
Dates: [1939 April 26]

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Eugene Meyer, Washington., 1939 April 26

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1206-00
Scope and Contents

President yesterday approved plan to consolidate Foreign Services of Commerce and Agriculture into that of State and proposal goes to Congress next week; an editorial in [Washington] Post on the matter would be helpful in warding off thoughtless criticism; public should be convinced plan is in best interests of all concerned; memorandum covering main outline of plan enclosed.

Dates: 1939 April 26

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To C.M. Morrison, Philadelphia., 1939 April 26

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1207-00
Scope and Contents Separate Foreign Services in Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce have presented problem, hampered U.S. in conduct of foreign relations, led to friction between departments, in Washington and between men in the field, and to inefficient and costly duplication of effort; President approved yesterday plan recommended by Depts. of State, Agriculture, and Commerce whereby Foreign Services of the three Departments would be consolidated into that of State; plan to be submitted to Congress next week;...
Dates: 1939 April 26

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Frank Knox, Chicago., 1939 April 26

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1208-00
Scope and Contents

Suggests editorial on consolidation of Foreign Services in Chicago Daily News.

Dates: 1939 April 26

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Arthur Sulzberger, New York., 1939 April 26

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1209-00
Scope and Contents

Suggests editorial commenting on plan for consolidation of Foreign Services to appear in New York Time shortly after plan is announced.

Dates: 1939 April 26

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To John Day Jackson, New Haven, Conn., 1939 April 26

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F78
Identifier: 1210-00
Scope and Contents

Suggests editorial on consolidation of Foreign Services to appear in New Haven Register shortly after plan is announced.

Dates: 1939 April 26