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Box 11


Contains 128 Results:

[Fullerton], Hugh, Paris. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 October 01

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F83
Identifier: 1286-00
Scope and Contents Consolidation [of Foreign Services] in France did not go forward when planned due to outbreak of war and mobilization of services for emergency work; comments on complaints by Commerce and Agriculture that they are no longer getting reports formerly sent through routine channels; because of relief work economic and commercial reporting was sidetracked, but will get back to it as conditions permit; all telegrams will now go from Embassy to Department, with "Repeat to Commerce" added in...
Dates: 1939 October 01

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Hugh S. Fullerton, Paris., 1939 October 06

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F83
Identifier: 1287-00
Scope and Contents Acknowledges letter of Sept. 11; making progress on consolidation plans, and sending individual instructions to various offices; little can be done in France for the present; must continue some commercial and economic reporting activities but commodity reporting from belligerent countries loses most of its value; hopeful that as much trade as possible will continue between France and U.S.; Treasury Attachés can do nothing useful in belligerent countries; realizes Fullerton functioning under...
Dates: 1939 October 06

Allen, Jay. New York. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 October 06

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F83
Identifier: 1288-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1289. Calls attention to new propaganda sheet, "Nuova Italia," edited by Pietro Garoaflo; Garoaflo and friends on other Italian dailies carrying on campaign against neutrality revision; surprised that some people think that neither Stalin nor Mussolini has taken irrevocable step, and both should be cultivated; enclosing copy of article about [Hugh Simon] Gibson's recent radio speech; liked Gibson personally, but wonders if he hasn't developed streak of cynicism.

Dates: 1939 October 06

[Allen, Jay]. Article commenting on radio speech from London on Sept. 10 by Hugh [Simons] Gibson., [1939 October 06]

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F83
Identifier: 1289-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1288. Gibson gave report of his findings on 5000 mile auto trip through Franco's Spain; presented rosy picture of conditions in Spain under Franco; Allen contends Gibson's findings erroneous and cites authorities to support contention; thinks Gibson was shown only what Franco wanted him to see.

Dates: [1939 October 06]

[Messersmith, G.S.]. note to [Jay] Pierrepont [Moffat]., 1939 October 12

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F83
Identifier: 1290-00
Scope and Contents

Memorandum missing. Appends memorandum; does not intend showing it to anyone else other than Secretary [Cordell Hull]; will give further background orally.

Dates: 1939 October 12

[Fodor, Marcell William], The Hague. Memorandum on European situation., 1939 October 14

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F83
Identifier: 1291-00
Scope and Contents Russia's attitude complicates situation; doesn't understand why English and French diplomats were unaware of German-Russian conversations; some in France and England ready to make peace with Germany now, but early peace would leave Hitler still master of Germany, and the old blackmail would soon start again; military outlook more favorable than political outlook; neutrality of Spain and Italy leaves Mediterranean quiet; French Army outnumbers German two to one; doubts Germany will move...
Dates: 1939 October 14

Selby, Walford, Lisbon. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 October 18

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F83
Identifier: 1292-00
Scope and Contents Thanks Messersmith for messages sent through [Herbert Claiborne] Pell and [George Alexander] Armstrong; over two years since parting in Vienna; Selby himself transferred few months later; interest in Austria has dwindled since her fall; many seemed to think Austria was all Nazi anyway, but when peace comes statesmen should reflect on Emperor's [Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor] dictum: "Austria erit in orbe ultima" [Austria will be the last thing in the World]; recalls assistance given him...
Dates: 1939 October 18

Cauwelaert, Frans Van, Antwerp. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 October 21

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1293-00
Scope and Contents In French. Was pleased to hear of important work Messersmith has been doing and to receive photograph of home; Europe on verge of great catastrophe; the occupation of Austria, destruction of Czechoslovakia, and even attack on Poland all foreseeable; received by President Roosevelt in 1933 and told him then that the old allies by their political incoherence and lack of foresight, were preparing alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan; with Russia added, alliance becomes more dangerous; rapid...
Dates: 1939 October 21

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Jay Allen, New York., 1939 October 25

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1294-00
Scope and Contents

Acknowledges Allen's letter of Oct. 6 with its enclosure, which was read with interest; showed it to associates in Department who also found it interesting.

Dates: 1939 October 25

Morley, Felix, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 November 01

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1295-00
Scope and Contents

Returning article Messersmith sent recently; found it interesting; anything of such nature which Messersmith can show for background purposes of great value.

Dates: 1939 November 01

[Messersmith, G.S.]. note to [James J. Murphy, [Nathaniel P.] Davis, and [G. Howland] Shaw., 1939 November 03

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1296-00
Scope and Contents

Appends letter (No. 1286) from Hugh Fullerton showing difficulties under which Paris establishment operating; requests letter be returned.

Dates: 1939 November 03

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Hugh S. Fullerton, Paris., 1939 November 07

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1297-00
Scope and Contents Work load heavy, evenings and weekends as well as week days; no time for relaxation or social life, but too much at stake to make hurried decisions; stays well in spite of work; Service has responded well in time of crisis; is certain Ambassador [William C. Bullitt] glad to have help of Fullerton and [Robert Daniel] Murphy; Fullerton's letters helpful to Department; understands it is impossible to go through with consolidation plans at present, but financial and commercial reporting should...
Dates: 1939 November 07

[Geist], Raymond H., Cleveland, Ohio., 1939 November 09

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1298-00
Scope and Contents

To G.S. Messersmith, [Washington]. Acknowledges Messersmith's note; recovering satisfactorily and hopes to go to Washington next week; requests Messersmith to hold envelope until arrival; was disappointed not to go to Washington immediately upon arrival in U.S.; seeing Messersmith would have helped, but was too unsteady to see other people there.

Dates: 1939 November 09

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Cleveland, Ohio., 1939 November 14

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1299-00
Scope and Contents

Delighted Geist recovering, but thinks he should take longer rest before coming to Washington; hopes Geist will stay with him and wife for a while after arrival; going to Boston on 22nd to give speech for New England Council of Governors but should be back on 24th and glad to have Geist any time after that.

Dates: 1939 November 14

[Geist], Raymond H., Cleveland, Ohio. To G.S. Messersmith, [Washington]., 1939 November 15

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1300-00
Scope and Contents

Will act on Messersmith's suggestion and not go to Washington until Nov. 25 or 26; does not wish to impose on Messersmith's kindness by staying at house; knows Messersmith needs to be quiet and undisturbed in home, so will stay with him only a couple of days and then go to the Mayflower.

Dates: 1939 November 15

[Messersmith, G.S.]. note to [Sumner] Welles., 1939 November 17

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1301-00
Scope and Contents

Thinks Welles will be interested in appended letter [No. 1293] from [Frans] van Cauwelaert, President of Belgian Chamber of Deputies and ranking Minister of State.

Dates: 1939 November 17

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Cleveland, Ohio., 1939 November 18

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1302-00
Scope and Contents

Looks forward to seeing Geist any time after 25th; plenty of room at house and visit will not inconvenience, but insists Geist not come until completely well.

Dates: 1939 November 18

Memorandum concerning Germany's economic condition., [1939 November]

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1303-00
Scope and Contents

Comments on effect of blockade; concludes Germany can survive on present and probable food supply, but serious shortage of raw materials except for coal; in critical short supply are iron ore, textiles, rubber, petroleum; Germany also hampered by lack of sufficient foreign exchange; impossible to judge how Germany can hold out in long war without further reliable information about reserves she may have.

Dates: [1939 November]

Fodor, M[arcell] W[illiam], The Hague. Memorandum on Dutch situation., 1939 December 05

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1304-00
Scope and Contents

Recounts events of early November, German threats and Dutch defenses; Hitler means to invade Holland and Belgium eventually, but mobilization near border was only a feint to see reaction of Dutch, Belgians, French, and English; Germans know they must contend with British Air Force in any invasion attempt; tells of kidnaping of [Richard Henry] Stevens and Payne Best of British Intelligence at border near Venlo by Germans.

Dates: 1939 December 05

, Fodor, M[arcell] W[illiam], The Hague. Memorandum on conversation with Dutch Foreign Minister [Eelco Nicolaas] van Kleffens., 1939

 Item — Box: 11, Folder: F84
Identifier: 1305-00
Scope and Contents

Van Kleffens assured Fodor Holland would defend her territory and her independence; he said U.S. neutrality act made position of small neutral countries difficult; asked if Belgium would come to Holland's aid, van Kleffens replied if there were an attack it would be against Belgium as well as Holland; he admitted Holland's armaments had been neglected and said they would ask for help if they were invaded.

Dates: 1939