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Box 12


Contains 113 Results:

Bergman, Alfred, New York. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 December 17

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1306-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1311. Sending copy of report from Lord David Davies; Davies talking of some kind of Utopia; there can be no peace in World until Germany learns war is bad business.

Dates: 1939 December 17

[Messersmith, G.S.] note to [James Clement] Dunn and [Jay Pierrepont] Moffat., 1939 December 19

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1307-00
Scope and Contents

Appending enclosure to letter received from Alfred Bergman. (See No. 1311.)

Dates: 1939 December 19

Unsigned note to G.S. Messersmith., 1939 December 20

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1308-00
Scope and Contents

Shares view of Messersmith's correspondent that "until Germany learns that war is a bad business, there will be no peace in the world"; same goes for Japan; formation of German nation not a spontaneous coalescing of various states, but created by pressure and armed force of Prussia, under guidance of Bismark; might be good idea if Germany were broken up.

Dates: 1939 December 20

Baerwald, Paul, [New York]. To Sumner Welles, Washington., 1939 December 20

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1309-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1315. Congratulates Welles on speech at Cuban American dinner; has watched with interest ups and downs in U.S.-Cuban relationships; Joint Distribution Committee attempting to ease difficulties arising from influx of Jews from Germany into Central and South America; is grateful for support and cooperation of State Department.

Dates: 1939 December 20

Welles, Sumner, Washington. To Paul Baerwald, New York., 1939 December 26

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1310-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1315. Thanks Baerwald for letter of Dec. 20; following closely work of Joint Distribution Committee; hopes it will continue.

Dates: 1939 December 26

[Davies, David] Memorandum on visit to Paris and Switzerland., [1939 December]

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1311-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1306. Canvassed opinion on feasibility of Confederation of Europe at end of war; another Versailles would only produce another Hitler; suggests countries of Confederation might pool weapons; found opinion somewhat divided but generally favorable.

Dates: [1939 December]

Comments on Father Joseph P. Thorning and Merwin K. Hart, leading pro-Franco activists in U.S., [1939]

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1312-00
Scope and Contents

Quotes from statements and writings of Thorning and Hart; they attack as liars, left-wing, atheistic and red partisans anyone who speaks for Loyalist Spain, especially news correspondents and commentators.

Dates: [1939]

Memorandum on aims of German Foreign Policy., [1939]

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1313-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1171. Summary of main ideas in Hermann Rauschning's book, "Die Revolution des Nihilismus", which is a better statement of Nationalist Socialist aims than can be found in "Mein Kampf" passages from book quoted to illustrate point and page references given.

Dates: [1939]

Cauwelaert, Frans Van, Antwerp. To G.S. Messersmith, [Washington]., 1940 January 05

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1314-00
Scope and Contents

Congratulates Messersmith on appointment as Ambassador to Cuba; new year begins with anxious waiting; attack expected any day; Belgian army mobilized and defenses made as secure as possible; solidarity with Holland affirmed; follows with interest declarations of President [Roosevelt].

Dates: 1940 January 05

Baerwald, Paul, New York. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1940 January 08

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1315-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosures: See Nos. 1309 & 1310. Extends good wishes for Messersmith's new post in Cuba; Joint Distribution Committee doing relief work in German occupied Poland, but American representatives have not been permitted to enter; asks Messersmith's advice; enclosing copies of recent correspondence with Sumner Welles.

Dates: 1940 January 08

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Paul Baerwald, New York., 1940 January 13

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1316-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks Baerwald for good wishes on Cuban post; thinks he and Mrs. Messersmith will enjoy it, but sorry to leave Department; has great confidence in successor [Breckinridge Long]; regrets impossible to help Baerwald get representative of Joint Distribution Committee into Poland; Germans do not want any foreigners in Poland; would not be surprised if they forced U.S. consular establishment out of Warsaw; hopes to see Baerwald before going to Cuba.

Dates: 1940 January 13

Baerwald, Paul, New York. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1940 January 16

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F85
Identifier: 1317-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks Messersmith for letter of Jan. 13; is afraid Messersmith's answer to question is conclusive and will have to face it; has met Breckinridge Long several times and is sure he realizes difficulties of Joint Distribution Committee; asks Messersmith to let him know before he comes to New York; would like to arrange quiet dinner with good friends.

Dates: 1940 January 16

Bonsal, [Philip Wilson], 1940 January 26

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F86
Identifier: 1318-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1319. Summary of outstanding developments in U.S.-Cuban relations beginning with visit of [Fulgencio] Batista [y Zaldivar] to Washington in Nov. 1938.

Dates: 1940 January 26

Duggan, Laurence, [Washington]. To [G.S.] Messersmith., 1940 January 31

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F86
Identifier: 1319-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1318. note transmitting memorandum prepared by [Philip Wilson] Bonsal.

Dates: 1940 January 31

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Frans Van Cauwelaert, Brussels., 1940 February 07

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F86
Identifier: 1320-00
Scope and Contents Appreciates Van Cauwelaert's good wishes; would have replied sooner except for press of work; was called home from Vienna in 1937 to help reorganize State Department, work on plan for consolidation of Foreign Services, and help to push through legislative program; has been largely successful, but it has required long hours of work; is no longer young and effects of overwork showing; looks forward to post in Cuba, where there will be plenty to do, but scope of activities will be more limited;...
Dates: 1940 February 07

Fullerton, Hugh S., Paris. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1940 February 08

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F86
Identifier: 1321-00
Scope and Contents Enclosing copy of editorial in Paris N.Y. Herald-Tribune which pays Messersmith well merited tribute; work multiplied in absence of Ambassador [William C. Bullitt]; French sacrificing treaty, convention, and mandate commitments to what they call "military necessity"; they cannot be blamed as they are fighting for their life; French Government thinks U.S. will not come into war and all she can expect is good wishes; her closer ties with England tend to reduce certain types of standard...
Dates: 1940 February 08

Wallace, Henry A., Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Havana., 1940 March 09

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1322-00
Scope and Contents

Discusses question of diversification of crops in Cuba with view to making country less dependent on sugar, especially more food production by workers on sugar plantations; for present, best interests of both countries would be served by continuing to take same quantity of sugar from Cuba and exporting to her lard, rice, wheat flour and other food items.

Dates: 1940 March 09

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1940 March 13

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1323-00
Scope and Contents

Returning correspondence carried inadvertently from Department; had good trip down; comfortably settled at Nacional; has received many kindnesses from Cuban and American friends; had hour's talk today with President [Federico Laredo Bru]; found understanding attitude; hopes to see number of leading people in Government soon; not overly sanguine, but sees some encouraging features in situation; should keep down discussion of sugar quotas at home.

Dates: 1940 March 13

[Roessler, Rudolph W.]. Memorandum on European situation., 1940 March 19

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1324-00
Scope and Contents Informed by German lawyer Dutch antiaircraft batteries manned by Germans in Dutch uniforms; leading man in one big German industries reported Germany determined to bring England to knees by attack on and invasion of England; plan to be accomplished by bombing raids and submarines on English coast, shipping, and industrial centers; he requested that U.S. be informed of plan in order that she may be prepared to supply war materials to allies; Hitler may try to accomplish object before U.S....
Dates: 1940 March 19

Fodor, Marcell William, Brussels. Memorandum No. 1., 1940 March 21

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1325-00
Scope and Contents

Convinced allies will win war but they are paying for blunders in sacrificing Austria; Czechoslovakia did not intervene when Austria was threatened, Poland helped in carving up Czechoslovakia, and was herself carved up; Scandinavian countries by selfish attitude brought down Finland; all too slow, selfish, and unwise; would despair if Germany were not in great straights for gasoline and iron; for big offensive she will need more than present reserves.

Dates: 1940 March 21

Stuart, Graham, Stanford University, Calif. To G.S. Messersmith, Havana., 1940 March 25

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1326-00
Scope and Contents

Sending copy of March issue of World Affairs containing article "A New Foreign Policy for the United States;" delivered originally as address before Commonwealth Club of Calif. and received generally favorable comments, particularly on trade agreements program; hopes Messersmith finding new post pleasant.

Dates: 1940 March 25

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Henry A. Wallace, Washington., 1940 March 25

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1327-00
Scope and Contents Pleasantly located in house in Vedado district; house all on one floor, fortunately for wife, who is having trouble with knee; new residence for Ambassador planned and should be completed within year; invites Mr. and Mrs. Wallace to visit; will have plenty to do in Cuba; Cuban politics bad and politicians worse; convinced 75 percent of Cuban people desire return to Constitutional government and wish to reestablish their credit and financial stability, but politicians have such grasp on...
Dates: 1940 March 25

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Cordell Hull, Washington., 1940 March 26

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1328-00
Scope and Contents Had pleasant trip down; spent several weeks at Hotel Nacional, but now comfortably settled in house in Vedado district; [Frederick] Larkin expected in April to open bids on new residence; plans call for comfortable, but not pretentious house; rather tense internal political situation with three groups controlled by [Fulgencio] Batista [y Zaldivar], [Mario Garcia] Menocal, and [Ramon] Grau San Martin; Menocal has apparently decided to join forces with Batista; elections scheduled for May 18...
Dates: 1940 March 26

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Raymond H. Geist, Washington., 1940 March 26

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1329-00
Scope and Contents Moved into house Thursday before Easter and getting comfortably settled; recruiting staff of servants; house all on one floor; wife's knee still troubling her; [Frederick] Larkin coming in April to open bids for new residence; life in Havana very pleasant, but can see that, officially, will have hands full; read with interest Departmental order creating new Division [of Commercial Affairs] which Geist will head; hopes Geist will find good man to help; glad Geist's sister has arrived and that...
Dates: 1940 March 26