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Box 14


Contains 129 Results:

Messersmith, G.S. Radio broadcast to Mexican people., 1942 June 15

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F100
Identifier: 1513-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. These are fateful days in history of all the Americans; ancestors fought to win independence enjoyed by all; all the Americas have devoted themselves to arts of peace for many years and have lived in peace with each other; but in Italy, Germany, and Japan there developed governments which believed only in rule of force and who ruthlessly use war to impose their will on others; on last Dec. 7 Japan made direct attack on U.S. and U.S. responded in only honorable way by declaring war;...
Dates: 1942 June 15

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Sumner Welles, Washington., 1942 June 17

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F100
Identifier: 1514-00
Scope and Contents Inquires as to status of patrol operations over Yucatan Channell; permission for U.S. to use airfields in Yucatan was requested of the Mexican Government as if need was urgent, but although permission was granted, apparently nothing has been done; if reason for delay is that submarine menace has abated, Mexican Government should be so informed; sees Foreign Minister and Undersecretary daily and in every conversation they raise question of Yucatan operation; they seem to have impression...
Dates: 1942 June 17

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To [Laurence Duggan], Washington., 1942 June 24

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F100
Identifier: 1515-00
Scope and Contents Agrees with Duggan that in view of changed circumstances not now advisable to send to Mexico a general economic mission; with new set up in Embassy, capable men among personnel maintain close contact with various Ministries of Mexican Government and can take care of all that is needed in way of economic or industrial studies; special missions, such as that recently and successfully completed by Dr. [Alan M.] Bateman, may be necessary on occasion; sees no reason for making statement to...
Dates: 1942 June 24

Messersmith, G.S. Address at Commencement exercises of American School in Mexico City., 1942 June 25

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F100
Identifier: 1516-00
Scope and Contents Comments on splendid work of school during its almost 50 years of existence and on high scholastic standing it has attained both in Mexico and U.S.; pays tribute to teachers and administrators and congratulates graduating students; graduation comes at dramatic moment in history, when world is engaged in great war; no time for pessimism, but rather for optimism as to future; feels certain that when victory is won and power of enemy annihilated, a better world will be built in which freedom...
Dates: 1942 June 25

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Alan M. Bateman, Washington., 1942 June 30

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F100
Identifier: 1517-00
Scope and Contents

Glad to hear decision that all procurement activities in Mexico to be centered in one office with [Floyd D.] Ransom in charge; important that Embassy collaborate with procurement agency; in position to facilitate conversations with Mexican Government.

Dates: 1942 June 30

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1942 June 30

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F100
Identifier: 1518-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks Duggan for assistance in bringing about satisfactory settlement of procurement problem in Mexico; [Floyd D.] Ransom has returned from Washington and reports visit turned out well; is certain [Alan M.] Bateman was helpful.

Dates: 1942 June 30

Messersmith, G.S. Remarks made at dedication of Benjamin Franklin Avenue in Mexico City., 1942 July 04

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1519-00
Scope and Contents 4 copies. Appreciates gracious gesture of Mexico City in naming this handsome avenue for an American citizen whose prestige transcended the frontiers of his native country; Franklin was perfect type of the honest and strong man of the new world; in these difficult times when free world is struggling to maintain its traditions of freedom and humanity, it is heartening to render homage to one of the founders of U.S., who two centuries ago struggled resolutely for the same ideals being defended...
Dates: 1942 July 04

Messersmith, G.S. Remarks at American Colony dinner in Mexico City., 1942 July 04

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1520-00
Scope and Contents When on July 4, 1776 the 13 colonies declared their independence, independence was still to be won; years of struggle lay before them before they achieved the freedom for which they were fighting; years which followed victory were glorious record of achievement of independence, one by one by other American republics; in meantime Americans devoted themselves to development of their cultures, utilization of their resources, and improving standard of living of their people; little thinking...
Dates: 1942 July 04

1942 July 04

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1521-00
Scope and Contents

Spanish translation of preceding entry.

Dates: 1942 July 04

Messersmith, G.S. Independence Day radio address in Mexico City., 1942 July 04

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1522-00
Scope and Contents Independence Day most significant of national holidays not only in U.S. but in other American republics; in recent years most Americans have considered dearly bought freedom as inheritance and unchallenged right; now independence is menaced as never before and struggle must continue to maintain freedom; patriots under leadership of Washington, Hidalgo, Bolivar, San Martin, and other liberators of the Americas little realized that in a little more than a century and a half their descendants...
Dates: 1942 July 04

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Breckinridge Long, Washington., 1942 July 08

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1523-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Mexican Government touchy on subject of internment in U.S. of Axis nationals now in Mexico; Mexicans wish to cooperate, but they are sensitive and do not like implication that they are not competent to handle situation; detention of [Georg] Nicolaus in U.S. has embarrassed Mexican Government which had promised him that he would be repatriated when sent through U.S.; repatriation for Axis nationals not bad idea; information they could pass on to enemy would be minimal and they would...
Dates: 1942 July 08

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Philip Bonsal, Washington., 1942 July 08

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1524-00
Scope and Contents Permanent Committee of Mexican Congress met evening of July 3 to honor U.S. and other American republics; was guest of honor, but chiefs of mission of other American republics invited; speeches effective and enthusiastic; July 4 hectic; at 9:30 attended ceremony for naming avenue in honor of Benjamin Franklin; speeches included long harangue by [Vicente] Lombardo Toledano; was to speak over radio to U.S. at noon, but couldn't leave as Mexicans would have considered it an insult; [Guy Walter]...
Dates: 1942 July 08

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1942 July 19

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1525-00
Scope and Contents Spoke at meeting of International Women's Club in Mexico City July 17; sending copies of English and Spanish text; parts of it may appropriately be given publicity in other American republics through means at Department's disposal; two months ago was invited to meeting of "UniĆ³n Ibero Americana de Mujeres" in honor of U.S.; any organization using term "Ibero" instead of "Hispano" feels sentimental ties with Spain; meeting turned out to be strongly Catholic; distinguished Mexican woman spoke;...
Dates: 1942 July 19

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Raymond H. Geist, Washington., 1942 July 19

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1526-00
Scope and Contents

Sending copy of letter to Laurence Duggan (see preceding entry) and copy of English and Spanish text of speech; has suggested to Duggan speech might be publicized in other American republics; might also have good effect at home; central heating not yet installed in either chancery or residence and with rainy season here, both are cold and damp; has contracted severe cold.

Dates: 1942 July 19

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Adolf A. Berle, Jr., Washington., 1942 July 20

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1527-00
Scope and Contents

Sending copy of speech made recently in Mexico City; lack of understanding of Catholics, especially in other Americas, a serious matter.

Dates: 1942 July 20

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Henry A. Wallace, Washington., 1942 July 21

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1528-00
Scope and Contents

Thinks Wallace may be interested in speech made recently; enclosing copy; amazing how idea persists among lower clergy and some of the laity of the Catholic Church in the other Americas that Hitler and his cohorts are the protectors of the Catholic Church and religion.

Dates: 1942 July 21

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Philip Bonsal, Washington., 1942 July 26

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1529-00
Scope and Contents Criticism of procurement activities in Mexico comes from people who were interested in selfish and improper schemes which Embassy and [Floyd D.] Ransom, who was in charge of procurement for Defense Supplies Corporation, had to stop; many uninformed people on Board of Economic Welfare and in other government agencies willing to believe reports; whole program of collaboration with Mexico could be wrecked if the schemers have their way; Foreign Services have responsibility of keeping U.S....
Dates: 1942 July 26

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1942 July 27

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1530-00
Scope and Contents In regard to plan of Coordinator's Office to train field representatives and send them to assist in press, radio and motion picture activities in the field, sees no need for such assistance; local coordinating Committee, a volunteer group composed of members of American colony, doing excellent job; they know the language, the people, and the local problems, and have the proper contacts with press, radio stations, and theatres; same situation exists in Havana, and assumes it does in other...
Dates: 1942 July 27

Berle, Adolf A. Jr., Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Mexico City., 1942 July 28

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1531-00
Scope and Contents

Congratulates Messersmith on speech before International Women's Club; thinks it should be distributed throughout other American republics.

Dates: 1942 July 28

, Wallace, H[enry] A., Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Mexico City., 1942 July 29

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1532-00
Scope and Contents

Read Messersmith's speech of 17th with great interest; has written to Sumner Welles suggesting it would be good idea for someone like Messersmith to give talk like this in every Latin American country.

Dates: 1942 July 29

Celler, Emanuel, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Mexico City., 1942 August 03

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1533-00
Scope and Contents

Read account in New York Times of Messersmith's speech before International Women's Club and was impressed; often speaks with Mrs. Celler about Messersmith and Mrs. Messersmith; hopes to visit Messersmith in Mexico some day.

Dates: 1942 August 03

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Sumner Welles, Washington., 1942 August 05

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1534-00
Scope and Contents Has talked with President Avila Camacho on several occasions recently; told President it was difficult to understand lukewarm attitude of Church, particularly of Sinarquistas, to war effort; President related, in later conversation, that he had asked Archbishop to come see him, and apparently made it clear to Archbishop that the church was not helping itself or Mexico by this lack of clearly defined attitude on the war; has learned from good sources that Archbishop intends to make more...
Dates: 1942 August 05

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1942 August 14

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1535-00
Scope and Contents Most important single item in program of collaboration with Mexico is rehabilitation of her railroads; sea transport not available except on limited scale for duration of war; Mexico principal source outside U.S. for wide range of raw materials indispensable in defense program, but no point in developing them unless transportation is available; finishing part of Pan American Highway a wise move, but even if finished to Canal, it will not be adequate to move all goods; broad-guage railway...
Dates: 1942 August 14

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Emanuel Celler, Washington., 1942 August 20

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1536-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks Celler for letter about speech given recently; wrote speech for specific purpose and for large audience in other American republics; sending herewith copy of complete text; work is exhausting, but relationships with Mexico developing satisfactorily; hopes to get to Washington for brief stay toward end of year and looks forward to seeing Celler.

Dates: 1942 August 20

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To M[ichael] J[ames] McDermott, Washington., 1942 August 21

 Item — Box: 14, Folder: F101
Identifier: 1537-00
Scope and Contents Acknowledges letter of Aug. 18 with enclosed report entitled "Rumors in Mexico", sent to McDermott by Gen. George C. Cutting of Military Intelligence; no credence may be placed in most of report; Mexico is a country of rumors; will comment on each rumor mentioned in report; (1) Mexicans are being drafted into American Army and Navy to fight for U.S.; true, in one respect; under U.S. draft laws, now Mexico is in war, Mexicans legally domiciled in U.S. came under the draft and are being...
Dates: 1942 August 21