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Box 15


Contains 150 Results:

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Joseph Gray, Washington., 1944 July 29

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1620-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1609. Thanks Gray for letter of congratulation; had cordial note from Secretary; is sure Gray reminded him of anniversary; enclosing copy of letter from [Ezequiel] Padilla which may interest Gray; never thought of remaining in Service 30 years, but health still good, and is looking forward rather than backward.

Dates: 1944 July 29

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To William G. MacLean, Washington., 1944 July 29

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1621-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks MacLean for his cordial note and for remembering the 30th anniversary of entry into Foreign Service; satisfaction derived from work has more than repaid for any effort; has enjoyed the associations with people in Government, and especially appreciates the help MacLean and his Division have given to him in present post; feels very fit, and looks forward to further opportunities for usefulness.

Dates: 1944 July 29

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Jaime Torres Bodet, Mexico City., 1944 August 01

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1622-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks Torres Bodet and Señora Bodet for flowers sent on July 27, 30th anniversary of entry into Foreign Service; hopes to see Torres Bodet soon for real talk.

Dates: 1944 August 01

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Cordell Hull, Washington., 1944 August 04

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1623-00
Scope and Contents Discusses desirability of American firms placing their interests abroad in hands of American citizens; U.S. will face keen competition for markets after war; rising labor costs in America will increase production costs; one way of solving problem is for American firms to establish more factories abroad and employ local labor; is opposed to state trading, though some think U.S. may have to resort to it; many aliens in charge of American firms have been meticulous in carrying through their...
Dates: 1944 August 04

Bonsal, Dudley, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Mexico City., 1944 August 06

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1624-00
Scope and Contents

Just learned from Joseph McGurk that Messersmith recently celebrated 30th wedding anniversary and 30th year with Foreign Service; congratulates him on both; feels sure Messersmith will attain even greater distinction in years to come; has been privilege to work with and learn from Messersmith in past months.

Dates: 1944 August 06

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Joseph F. McGurk, Washington., 1944 August 07

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1625-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Assures McGurk [Ezequiel] Padilla has no intention of mediating between U.S. and Argentina; not a question of U.S. and Argentina but of Argentina and all other American nations; was glad to get copy of telegram Secretary sent to Churchill expressing appreciation for Churchill's statements in House of Commons; press did not give statements much publicity, although numbers of despatches quote British papers on Argentine question; British opinion seems divided; Mexican press continues...
Dates: 1944 August 07

Universal Grafico, Mexico City. Editorial on Inter-American Bar Association, meeting in Mexico City., 1944 August 07

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1626-00
Scope and Contents

English translation. Enclosed with No. 1628. Discussion at conference and declarations made exceed limits of its announced purposes; discussion of political issues was to be prohibited, yet such matters as autonomy for Puerto Rico, isolation of Argentina, prosecution of war criminals, and settlement of the old question of the Chamizal [U.S.-Mexican border dispute] were freely aired.

Dates: 1944 August 07

Wheeler, Leslie A., Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Mexico City., 1944 August 08

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1627-00
Scope and Contents Appreciates Messersmith's letter of July 29 with its reference to the part Wheeler has played in Messersmith's career; hopes there will be other opportunities for collaboration; has seen Secretary [Claude R.] Wickard only twice since his return; in spite of some indisposition suffered while in Mexico, he counts his visit there well worthwhile; he was pleased to have discussion with Messersmith and Minister [of Agriculture] Marte Gomez; wishes Messersmith many happy returns of recent...
Dates: 1944 August 08

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Joseph F. McGurk, Washington., 1944 August 09

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1628-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1626. Reports further on Inter-American Bar Association, meeting in Mexico City; all sorts of questions of a political nature raised; resolutions proposed concerning independence for Puerto Rico, settlement of Chamizal dispute in favor of Mexico, and doing away with diplomatic immunity; a Texas lawyer named Parales gave interview to several newspapers on discrimination against Latin Americans in Texas; one group of Americans, particularly those of the Lawyers' Guild,...
Dates: 1944 August 09

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Cordell Hull, Washington., 1944 August 14

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1629-00
Scope and Contents Had conversation recently with [Ezequiel] Padilla; he said he had spoken with Hull while in Washington about desirability of holding another meeting of Foreign Ministers of American states and of the need for an Inter-American Tribunal of Justice as part of post war set up; has not given enough thought to Inter-American Tribunal to pass judgment; thinks there might be some conflict with World Court at the Hague, but probably none which cannot be resolved; is afraid if U.S. opposes idea...
Dates: 1944 August 14

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Dudley Bonsal, Washington., 1944 August 14

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1630-00
Scope and Contents Thanks Bonsal for letter of Aug. 6; too many anniversaries recently to feel altogether happy about; in spite of long hours and high altitude feeling physically more fit than in several years; work here absorbing but time consuming; has become intensely interested in problems of Western Hemisphere, but will in post-war period go anywhere services are needed; satisfaction one gets from Foreign Service is greatest reward; one of the great satisfactions is the contacts and friendships made in...
Dates: 1944 August 14

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Cordell Hull, Washington., 1944 August 15

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1631-00
Scope and Contents Manley 0. Hudson of World Court and [George A.] Finch of Carnegie Foundation for Peace while in Mexico City for meeting of Inter-American Bar Association gave luncheon to which were invited some of the leading men attending the meeting; Hudson and Finch presented some of conclusions reached by group of American and Canadian lawyers who have been making study of international law after the war; most of those present were in accord with findings expressed; one Mexican of rather insignificant...
Dates: 1944 August 15

Memorandum on U.S.-Mexican Water Treaty., 1944 August 16

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1632-00
Scope and Contents Summarizes conversation between Attorney General R.W. Kenney of Calif. and G.S. Messersmith; Kenney said treaty not fair to California, and if certain changes were made California would no longer oppose it; Messersmith replied that treaty was sound and was negotiated in the interests of the whole country and not on the basis of local, state or individual interests; California interests given ample opportunity to present their views before treaty was drafted; question of making changes in it...
Dates: 1944 August 16

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Joseph F. McGurk, Washington., 1944 August 24

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1633-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1634. [Miguel] Henriquez Guzmán planning trip to Chile; Henriquez Guzmán personally friendly to U.S., and is well meaning, but not of particular intelligence or broad background; he is being pushed as candidate for Presidency by former Cárdenas supporters who are definitely unfriendly to U.S. and more inclined to Latin American cooperation than to cooperation with U.S.; trip to Chile undoubtedly engineered by [Oscar] Schnake, former Chilean Ambassador to Mexico, who left...
Dates: 1944 August 24

Memorandum on visit of General Miguel Henriquez Guzmán to Chile., 1944 August 24

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1634-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1633. Information almost identical to that in letter to Joseph F. McGurk (No. 1633) but prepared in memorandum form for sending to Chiefs of U.S. Missions.

Dates: 1944 August 24

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Ezequiel Padilla, Mexico City., 1944 August 28

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1635-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1632. Transmitting herewith as requested in conversation this morning copy of memorandum prepared in State Department summarizing conversation between Attorney General R.W. Kenney of California and Messersmith on Mexican-U.S. Water Treaty; has no objection to Padilla showing memorandum to President Avila Camacho.

Dates: 1944 August 28

Messersmith, G.S., 1944 September 28

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F108
Identifier: 1636-00
Scope and Contents

Address delivered in New Orleans on necessity for collaboration with other nations of the world.

Dates: 1944 September 28