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Box 10


Contains 130 Results:

Press clipping., 1939 March 03

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1164-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1239. Picture of Hitler conversing with guests at diplomatic dinner; at left of picture Raymond H. Geist is shown talking to Otto L.E. Meissner.

Dates: 1939 March 03

Confidential report issued by Jewish Telegraph Agency., 1939 March 06

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1165-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Comments on situation in Germany; most experts, Nazi and non-Nazi do not believe war imminent; several things working to keep peace - (1) precarious German economy, (2) needlessness of war when Reich's enemies already on run, and (3) Roosevelt's policy of wielding big stick; big questions to be settled in near future are Spain, Germany's colonies, and Italian claims; Austria not yet digested; in Vienna heard [Josef] Buerckel make plea to Viennese not to indulge in graft; asked...
Dates: 1939 March 06

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To Secretary [of State Cordell Hull, Washington]., 1939 March 06

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1166-00
Scope and Contents

Hopes within few days to have opportunity of discussing with Hull certain aspects of consolidation of Foreign Services under State.

Dates: 1939 March 06

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To [Sumner] Welles, [Washington]., 1939 March 06

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1167-00
Scope and Contents

Hopes within few days to have opportunity of discussing with Welles certain aspects of consolidation of Foreign Services under State.

Dates: 1939 March 06

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Raymond H. Geist, Berlin., 1939 March 08

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1168-00
Scope and Contents Acknowledges letter of Jan. 31 commenting alien clerks in U.S. consular offices; has discussed Senator [William H.] Smathers' bill with him only briefly over telephone; doubts bill would pass, but hopes Smathers will just forget it; does not take situation seriously, but Smathers not the only one raising question; inquiries come in from Members of Congress regarding aliens in U.S. establishments abroad; most complaints arise out of immigration cases and the visa practice; alien clerks very...
Dates: 1939 March 08

[Messersmith, G.S.]. Memorandum on Captain [Fritz] Wiedemann., 1939 March 08

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1169-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1179. Wiedemann former officer of German Navy; intelligent, of good appearance, has has better understanding of English and American attitude than most Germans; compared to leaders of German Government, he is a moderate or conservative, but he has confidence of Hitler, is an opportunist, and willing to carry through any instructions he gets, therefore dangerous; it is reported that his real mission is to direct activities of German agents in the West; Wiedemann will no...
Dates: 1939 March 08

Memorandum of conversation a representative had with Mr. X on Feb. 21, 1939., 1939 March 11

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1170-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1171. Interviewer impressed by health and good spirits of X; X stated firm stand taken by democracies has already made impression on dictators; in view of stiffening attitude of democracies and failure of Nazi attempt to bring Balkan states and Hungary into German orbit, Hitler reluctant to proceed with "bloodless war" against England and France; X says Nazi regime steadily losing popularity among German people; he referred especially to persecution of Jews, which is...
Dates: 1939 March 11

[Messersmith, G.S.]. Memorandum to [James Clement] Dunn and [Jay Pierrepont] Moffat., 1939 March 16

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1171-00
Scope and Contents

Pencilled at bottom of page: Memo from Spencer Miller. Enclosures: See Nos. 1170 & 1313. Sending copies of two memoranda which Dunn and Moffat might find interesting.

Dates: 1939 March 16

Memorandum on conversation with X., 1939 March 16

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1172-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1178. Internal economic situation in Germany steadily deteriorating; export trade falling rapidly; conquest of Czechoslovakia will bring 400 million marks but according to X this will last only three months; X believes U.S. has two alternatives: (a) balancing public budget by economic measures, which would lower standard of living, or (b) restoring world markets and moving toward greater freedom for world trade, which cannot be done until Hitler and Mussolini and their...
Dates: 1939 March 16

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Leland B. Morris, Vienna., 1939 March 17

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1173-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1165. Encloses copy of report issued by Jewish Telegraph Agency and calls attention to passage in which American diplomat in Vienna is quoted; seems incredible that an officer of U.S. establishment in Vienna would have made such statement; has heard other comments that some U.S. Foreign Officers abroad are impressed by Nazi movement and Fascist methods; any information Morris can give will be helpful.

Dates: 1939 March 17

[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To Burton K. Wheeler, [Washington]., 1939 March 17

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F75
Identifier: 1174-00
Scope and Contents

In accord with recent conversation with Wheeler, sending memorandum bearing on major aspects of external problems to be considered; hopes Wheeler will find the material of interest.

Dates: 1939 March 17

de la Mora, Constancia, Washington. To Jay [Allen], New York., 1939 March 21

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1175-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1176. Just received letter from husband in Paris giving facts about situation in Spain and along border; situation of 440,000 refugees in France no less tragic; now [Georges] Bonnet manoeuvering to get them out of France and back to Spain where he knows they will face Franco's firing squads; some talk about South American countries taking numbers of Spanish refugees, but nothing definite so far proposed; transportation would be major problem; it would be helpful if...
Dates: 1939 March 21

Allen, Jay, New York. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1939 March 22

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1176-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1175. Enclosing copy of letter from friend, Constancia de la Mora, whose husband, Ignacio Hidalgo de Cisneros was Chief of the Spanish Republican Air Force until collapse of Catalonia; Constancia in U.S. on relief mission; concern felt for the 440,000 Spanish refugees suffering in France, and other hundreds of thousands of Republicans in Spain who face execution or imprisonment at the hands of Franco, who has turned down all appeals for clemency; any suggestion of amnesty...
Dates: 1939 March 22

Keller, D. Adolf, Geneva. To H.S. Leiper, New York., 1939 March 24

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1177-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1186. Had visit from German in high position; he has contacts in wide circles and is well informed; he has character and is fine Christian man; enclosing his statement, but it cannot be published; friend suggested Keller go to Rome and transmit statement to Pope, but too dangerous; naive to hope Pope could start such action; something certainly brewing in Germany, and perhaps a strong voice could start an avalanche among German people; asks Leiper to let President Roosevelt...
Dates: 1939 March 24

Messersmith, G.S., Washington. To Secretary [Cordell Hull, Washington]., 1939 March 25

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1178-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1172. Appending memorandum received from confidential and reliable source; X mentioned in memorandum is German who is one of best informed men on German situation; he has contact in high places in present Government, particularly in army and industrial and financial circles; will give Secretary his name orally.

Dates: 1939 March 25

Messersmith, G.S., Washington. To Admiral Ralston S. Holmes, Washington., 1939 March 27

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1179-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosure: See No. 1169. Enclosing copy of confidential memorandum on Captain [Fritz] Wiedemann, German Consul General at San Francisco.

Dates: 1939 March 27

Messersmith, G.S., [Washington]. To John G. Erhardt, Berlin., 1939 March 28

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1180-00
Scope and Contents

Question of consolidation [of Foreign Services] still hanging fire, but progress being made; rumored that Commerce men disturbed by possibility of losing jobs; no foundation for rumors; important that State Dept. officers not discuss matter.

Dates: 1939 March 28

Extract from letter of H. B. To J[ohn] W[heeler] W[heeler]-B[ennett]., 1939 March 29

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1181-00
Scope and Contents Comments on British attitude; surprised to hear optimistic statements from [Neville] Chamberlain and Sir Samuel Hoare only three days before break up of Czechoslovakia; younger people in England seem to face facts more clearly; Dr. [Robert] Ley on recent visit to England received by Chamberlain and had long conversation with him; is beginning to doubt sanity of some Cabinet Ministers; 5 German divisions mobilized along Dutch border; Holland and Belgium preparing for German invasion; heard in...
Dates: 1939 March 29

Confidential document submitted to Dr. Adolf Keller, Geneva., [1939 March]

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1182-00
Scope and Contents In German. Enclosed with No. 1177. Many people now understand National Socialism has one principle; the end justifies the means, and only purpose of Hitler is rule by force; he and his crew capable of any crime; it is Hitler, Mussolini and their gangs who oppose world peace; situation can be saved by following action: (1) world must form moral front against men who seek to exploit world; declaration should be promulgated by Churches under leadership of Pope; (2) stop supplying such men with...
Dates: [1939 March]

[1939 March]

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1183-00
Scope and Contents

English translation of No. 1182 entry.

Dates: [1939 March]

Memorandum on German economic situation., [1939 March]

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1184-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Leaders of German Government now seriously concerned over economic situation; they want to improve relations with U.S. for financial reasons, but are not prepared to take necessary steps to bring about improvement; they continue to try to convince people that Jews are responsible for all their ills and for the attitude of U.S. in relations with Germany; through Secret Police German Government well informed of state of opinion among German people and increasing disaffection among...
Dates: [1939 March]

Memorandum on German program for expansion., [1939 March]

 Item — Box: 10, Folder: F76
Identifier: 1185-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Summarizes goals achieved to date; struggle not between "haves" and "have-nots," but a conflict of ideologies; major dictatorships have reverted to doctrine of force and might as opposed to international morality and would impose their doctrine on whole world; completely new political, social, and economic order established by dictatorships based on idea of self-sufficiency and bilateral agreements always to benefit of stronger state; dictators know economic and industrial...
Dates: [1939 March]