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Box 12


Contains 113 Results:

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Breckinridge Long, Washington., 1940 March 27

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1330-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Comfortably settled in house and becoming oriented in work at Chancery; Sumner Welles should have interesting report when he returns; concerned over press reports that Hitler and [Joachim von] Ribbentrop took up with him matter of sending Ambassador to Berlin; U.S. doesn't need Ambassador there now, and Germans would only make capital of it; [Alexander Comstock] Kirk, as Chargé, doing good job and can accomplish as much as an Ambassador; U.S. has tremendous stake in European...
Dates: 1940 March 27

[Fodor, Marcell William ?], Brussels., 1940 March 28

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1331-00
Scope and Contents

Copy 2, 3 pp. Memorandum No. 2. Situation on Western front remains stationary; some observers believe Germany will make offensive in West which will involve Belgium and Holland; thinks this will be prevented at present because of shortage of gasoline and iron ore; can see another "surprise" coming; strong section of Nazi leaders now contemplating attacking Russia.

Dates: 1940 March 28

[Messersmith, G.S.], Havana. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1940 April 01

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1332-00
Scope and Contents Received Duggan's letter regarding Fernando Ortíz; will be glad to see him when he calls; has heard nothing further about placing President's portrait in Cuban Senate gallery; was all set with speech for the occasion as requested; was relieved not to have to appear before Senate when they have not yet passed Public Works Debt bill; terms of about half of members of Congress expired as of April 1; doesn't know where legislative power will lie until new election; disappointed that Public Works...
Dates: 1940 April 01

[Fodor, Marcell William], Brussels., 1940 April 04

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1333-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Memorandum on war situation. Thinks Goering's threats of action on Western front just threat at present; Mussolini playing axis games to counteract growing pro-Allies sentiment in Italy; he cannot commit himself to allied cause as this would limit claims he could make at future peace conference; meeting between Hitler and Mussolini on train at Brenner Pass reported; Russo-German relations cooling; Russia constructing fortifications on German-Russian frontier; shortage of iron ore...
Dates: 1940 April 04

[Fodor, Marcell William], Brussels. Memorandum on Change in Russian relations., 1940 April 05

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1334-00
Scope and Contents 3 copies. Moscow now wants to improve trade relations with England; Russia now frightened by Germany; Russia lacks skilled labor and her industrial machinery on verge of breakdown; because U.S. would not supply Russia with machinery and England could not because of her own rearmament program, Russia was forced into a trade agreement with Germany - exchange of oil from Russia for machinery from Germany; Germany fell down on production of machinery because of lack of iron, so Stalin decided no...
Dates: 1940 April 05

Frankfurter, Felix, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Havana., 1940 April 05

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1335-00
Scope and Contents

Announces visit of Samuel Eliot Morison to Cuba in connection with historical project, and asks Messersmith to give Morison such assistance as he can; misses Messersmith in Washington.

Dates: 1940 April 05

Wallace, Henry A., Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Havana., 1940 April 05

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1336-00
Scope and Contents

Glad to know Messersmith is happily located and hopes warm weather will have healing effect on Mrs. Messersmith; sugar beet people pushing for legislation for smaller sugar quota for Cuba, but haven't gotten far; brother-in-law, Charles Bruggmann, disturbed by report Italians withdrawing their funds from U.S.; thinks Italians merely engaging in high class blackmail; still doesn't believe they will go in on side of Germans.

Dates: 1940 April 05

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Graham Stuart, Stanford University, Calif., 1940 April 09

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1337-00
Scope and Contents Thanks Stuart for sending article; read it with interest; appreciates constructive interest Stuart has shown in administrative problems of State Dept.; believes U.S. has now finest Foreign Office of any government; confident successor, [Breckinridge] Long will carry on work creditably; competent personnel in office to ease burdens of Assistant Secretary; Stuart will find when he goes to Washington, men like [Nathaniel P.] Davis, [G. Howland] Shaw and [Charles B.] Hosmer helpful and...
Dates: 1940 April 09

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1940 April 10

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1338-00
Scope and Contents Luncheon in his honor given by [Martinez] Fraga on Monday; 150 guests including [Fulgencio] Batista [y Zaldivar] and [Mario Garcia] Menocal; [Ramon] Grau [San Martin] invited but did not attend; after luncheon had long talk with Batista; he reported that the Constituent Assembly would, before end of week, authorize the remainder of Congress to act, and that matter of Public Works debts would be attended to immediately; he said committee working on constitution and hoped to have draft ready...
Dates: 1940 April 10

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Cordell Hull, Washington., 1940 April 10

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1339-00
Scope and Contents Enclosures: See Nos. 1324, 1325, & 1331. Happy that Trade Agreements Act has been extended for three-year period; compliments Hull for work he has done seeing legislation through; trying to show Cuban Government and people in political life importance of adopting Constitution which will be basis for reestablishing confidence and financial stability; working hard on Public Works debts and prospects for settlement of claims good; thinks it would be very unwise for U.S. to cut Cuban sugar...
Dates: 1940 April 10

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Felix Frankfurter, Washington., 1940 April 11

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F87
Identifier: 1340-00
Scope and Contents 2 copies. Will be glad to see [Samuel Eliot] Morison when he comes in June and will do all possible to assist him and make his stay pleasant; comfortably settled in pleasant house with plenty of room; hopes Frankfurter and Mrs. Frankfurter will visit; Cuba passing through difficult period, but developments seem in right direction; Cuban people generally conservative and realize necessity for return to constitutional government to insure political and financial stability; doing all possible...
Dates: 1940 April 11

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Breckinridge Long, Washington., 1940 April 11

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1341-00
Scope and Contents Relieved to hear no thought at present of sending Ambassador to Germany; interested to know [Alexander Comstock] Kirk may be coming home on leave; he has been under tremendouse strain; should be someone who can relieve him as Chargé for a time; well informed European sources report Germany hasn't sufficient reserves of gasoline, lubricating oil, or iron to carry on sustained war; [Raymond H.] Geist will be of help to Long in maintaining contact with other Departments and with business men;...
Dates: 1940 April 11

[Messersmith, G.S.], Havana. To Sumner Welles, Washington., 1940 April 12

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1342-00
Scope and Contents

Talked with [Amadeo] Lopez Castro and President [Federico Laredo Bru] today; both encouraged by progress on Constitution and gave assurance that objectionable features were being changed; has great respect for both men; [Fulgencio] Batista [y Zaldivar] not sure of his ground and fears to take action that might affect result of election.

Dates: 1940 April 12

[Geist], Raymond [H.], Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Havana., 1940 April 13

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1343-00
Scope and Contents Glad to hear Messersmith comfortably settled; hopes Mrs. Messersmith's knee will soon be cured; agrees with Messersmith and would strongly oppose sending Ambassador to Germany; believes U.S. should give allies all planes wanted and not allow U.S. Army orders to hold up shipments; is afraid position Germany will have secured in Scandinavia, Low Countries, and Balkans by end of year will be so strong that U.S. help for allies may be too late; rape of Denmark and Norway seems to have made no...
Dates: 1940 April 13

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Laurence Duggan, Washington., 1940 April 16

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1344-00
Scope and Contents Received telegram asking for comment on note handed to Mexican Ambassador in Washington regarding arbitration on seizure of oil properties; has asked [Willard Leon] Beaulac to draft dispatch (No. 170); has seen little comment in Cuban press; gave copies of note, in Spanish, to leaders in Cuban Government, but has had no reaction from them yet; note was excellent and will serve useful purpose; should have good effect in Cuba; Constitutional Assembly was to have met yesterday to give to...
Dates: 1940 April 16

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Raymond H. Geist, Washington., 1940 April 17

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1345-00
Scope and Contents Pleased Geist in charge of new Division and confident he will do good job; experience gained will be valuable to Geist when he returns to field; is sure that with Geist's skill and understanding Department will establish good relations with Commerce, Agriculture, and other Departments; suggests Geist cultivate personally [Edward J.] Noble, [James W.] Young, and [Grosvenor M.] Jones of Commerce and Warren [Lee] Pierson of Export-Import Bank; by personal contact, Geist can eradicate suspicion...
Dates: 1940 April 17

[Messersmith, G.S.], Havana. Memorandum on conversation with Cosme de la Torriente [y Peraza]., 1940 April 17

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1346-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1348. De la Torriente concerned over growing Communist influence in Cuba, especially among young people; he fears work of Constitutional Assembly being deliberately obstructed to prepare way for further provisional government; remarked to de la Torriente that press criticism of Assembly was more for slowness and for radical nature of some articles so far produced, and this is healthful indication; discussed with him necessity of producing constitution which gives adequate...
Dates: 1940 April 17

[Messersmith, G.S.], Havana. Memorandum., 1940 April 17

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1347-00
Scope and Contents

Attached clipping from Diario de la Marina may explain why Constitutional Assembly has not yet granted legislative powers to rump Congress; some members of Assembly apparently fear Congress would pass moratorium legislation of radical nature.

Dates: 1940 April 17

[Messersmith, G.S.], Havana. To Sumner Welles, Washington., 1940 April 19

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1348-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1346. Shares Welles concern regarding work of Constitutional Assembly; has talked with leading men in Government, including [Miguel Angel] Campa, President [Laredo Bru], [Mario Garcia] Menocal, [Ramon] Grau San Martin, [Fulgencio] Batista [y Zaldivar], [José Manuel] Casanova, and [Pedro] Martinez Fraga; emphasized importance of producing constitution which would insure stability; was assured by all that such a constitution would be drawn, and also that Congress would enact...
Dates: 1940 April 19

Hull, Cordell, Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Havana., 1940 April 20

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1349-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks Messersmith for interesting letters; wishes he had time to reply at length; glad Messersmith moving along and trusts he is pleased with new location.

Dates: 1940 April 20

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Sumner Welles, Washington., 1940 April 20

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1350-00
Scope and Contents Sending to Department with Despatch No. 185, translated copy of Memorandum left by [Pedro] Martinez Fraga; told him U.S. could take no cognizance of memorandum officially; neither U.S. Government nor Cuban Government could be party to any such transaction between Cuban growers and U.S. refiners, and made it clear that Cuban interests would be damaged if knowledge of memorandum became general; Fraga seemed impressed by claim of refiners as expressed in memorandum that they could control 260...
Dates: 1940 April 20

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Hugh S. Fullerton, Paris., 1940 April 22

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1351-00
Scope and Contents Last weeks in Washington hectic; stayed several weeks at Nacional [Hotel], then found comfortable house nearby; last week signed contract for new Embassy residence; should be completed within year; has been well since coming to Cuba; wife having trouble with knee; hated to leave Washington but pace there damaging health; enough to do in Cuba, but scope of activities more restricted; key to some of problems in American Republics in Cuba; thanks Fullerton for clipping from Herald Tribune; saw...
Dates: 1940 April 22

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To Sumner Welles, Washington., 1940 April 24

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1352-00
Scope and Contents Talked with President today regarding two proposed article of new Constitution; articles in present form would remove all bases for cooperation in economic and financial field, and give Congress power to nullify certain rights already guaranteed by constitution; was assured by President articles would be appropriately changed by Assembly; mentioned to President that Assembly had not yet given legislative authority to rump Congress, which left matter of payment of obligations high and dry;...
Dates: 1940 April 24

1940 April 24

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1353-00
Scope and Contents

In Spanish. Typed in English across top: "Left with the President by the Ambassador 4/24/40." Articles from proposed Cuban Constitution dealing with rights and responsibilities of foreigners residing or doing business in Cuba.

Dates: 1940 April 24

Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To George Backer, New York., 1940 April 24

 Item — Box: 12, Folder: F88
Identifier: 1354-00
Scope and Contents Thanks Backer for letter regarding [Edgar ?] Mayer; appreciates work Mayer is doing in promoting closer relationship between Cornell and University of Havana and will give him all assistance possible; comments on inadvisability of sending Ambassador to Germany; would serve no good purpose and would be misinterpreted as indication of U.S. approval; regretted leaving Washington and associates there, but for reasons of health felt that move was necessary; has worthwhile mission in Cuba, but is...
Dates: 1940 April 24