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Box 15


Contains 150 Results:

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Leo T. Crowley, Washington., 1945 April 20

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1712-00
Scope and Contents

Thanks Crowley for letter of April 19 with information concerning legislation for Export-Import Bank; Bank one of most important instruments U.S. has in conduct of foreign policy; comments on passing of President Roosevelt; his friendship and confidence one of most treasured things experienced in many years of public service; but feels sure things he stood for will go forward.

Dates: 1945 April 20

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. Despatch No. 24,106 to Secretary of State [Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.], Washington., 1945 April 21

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1713-00
Scope and Contents Discusses reaction in Mexico to death of Roosevelt; three day period of mourning ordered by Mexican Government; flags flown at half mast; memorial services held; Embassy flooded with calls and messages of sympathy; press and radio generous with praise and lament passing of a great man; intends collecting originals of all messages binding them along with press clippings and other pertinent material, and forwarding them to Department for presentation to Roosevelt Memorial Library at Hyde Park;...
Dates: 1945 April 21

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. Despatch No. 24,115 to Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Washington., 1945 April 23

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1714-00
Scope and Contents Replies to Department's telegraphed request for information concerning responsible Germans who might serve in civilian capacity under allied control; has little knowledge of Germans which would still be of value now; knew many Germans who were opposed to Nazi regime, but they were either killed, placed in concentration camps where they became physical wrecks, fled the country, or eventually went over to Nazi side; believes controls must be entirely military for some time, before being turned...
Dates: 1945 April 23

O'Donoghue, [Sidney Eugene]. Memorandum to Ambassador [G.S. Messersmith]., 1945 April 25

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1715-00
Scope and Contents Secretary to Archbishop of Mexico, Monseigneur [Luis M.] Martinez, called at Embassy on Apr. 23 to present Archbishop's respects to Ambassador and offer sympathy in death of Roosevelt; he said Archbishop had decided against holding public memorial service but would have private prayers said for repose of soul of late President; told secretary message would be conveyed and that he should express to Archbishop Ambassador's appreciation; would like to send him copy of photograph from...
Dates: 1945 April 25

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To John Willard Carrigan, Washington., 1945 April 26

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1716-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1715. Carrigan will have read despatch of Apr. 21 reporting Mexican reaction to Roosevelt's death; decided that Embassy should not sponsor any memorial services of a religious nature; several such services were held, but entirely on the initiative of the churches involved - the American Episcopalian Church, the Union Church, the Jewish Synagogue, and the Mexican Protestant Church, all of which were well attended; no Catholic service was held; Mexican people overwhelmingly...
Dates: 1945 April 26

Messersmith, G.S. Address at Graduation Exercises of American School in Mexico City., 1945 June 28

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1717-00
Scope and Contents Comments on excellence of American School as evidenced by acceptance of its graduates by major American institutions of higher education and their performance in those institutions after acceptance; commends faculty, administrators, and students; believes school has made helpful contribution to educational structure of Mexico, and has been effective element in bringing about increased understanding between U.S. and Mexico; while designed especially to serve needs of young people of American...
Dates: 1945 June 28

Messersmith, G.S. Address to Rotary Club, Mexico City., 1945 July 04

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1718-00
Scope and Contents

In Spanish. Now that victory is in sight all peace loving nations must join together under United Nations charter to insure that never again will such aggression against human liberty be possible.

Dates: 1945 July 04

1945 July 04

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1719-00
Scope and Contents

English translation of preceding entry.

Dates: 1945 July 04

Suarez, Eduardo. Memorandum to G.S. Messersmith., 1945 July 23

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1720-00
Scope and Contents

Outlines Mexico's 1946 import requirements of sugar.

Dates: 1945 July 23

Martinez. Tornel, Pedro. To Braniff Airways., [1945 August 02]

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1721-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1722. Secretary of Mexican Department of Communications and Public Works notifies Braniff it has failed to comply with Mexican regulations; allows company fifteen days to answer charges and present defense; claims proper authorization not obtained for air services on Mexico-Puebla-Veracruz-Merida route and orders immediate suspension of services on that route.

Dates: [1945 August 02]

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. Despatch No. 25,694 to Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes], Washington., 1945 August 04

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1722-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: No. 1721. Reports on dispute between Braniff Airways and Compania Mexicana de Aviación over use of airports; CMA a subsidiary of Pan American and considers airports its own property; knows U.S. Government supplied funds for building and expanding facilities; would like to know how much equity Pan American has in airports; Pan American appears to be trying to establish monopoly; there is room for further air service in Mexico, and competition is healthy; more at issue than dispute...
Dates: 1945 August 04

Carol II, ex-King of Rumania, Rio de Janeiro. To G.S. Messersmith, Mexico City., 1945 August 12

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1723-00
Scope and Contents Was sorry to hear of Messersmith's operation, but hopes his health now good; attended homecoming ceremonies for FBE (Brazilian Army); met Gen. [Mark W.] Clark and thought him fine; also met Ambassador [Adolf A.] Berle who passed on latest news of Messersmith; [Erich] Kleiber's concerts principal artistic events of season; has met Kleiber and wife often; talked much about Messersmith, for whom they have great affection; preparing to return to Europe; has chateau in France and doctors agree...
Dates: 1945 August 12

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. Despatch No. 25,473 to Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes], Washington., 1945 August 14

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F113
Identifier: 1724-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1720. Changes in U.S. sugar policy should be considered immediately; U.S. has bought Cuba's entire sugar crop since 1942 as wartime emergency measure, but has not given equitable treatment in allocation of the supply to other American countries which have sugar deficit; Mexico's need desperate; U.S. probably should continue to buy Cuba's sugar crop for next two years until world market is stabilized, but should take into account needs of other countries of America; lists...
Dates: 1945 August 14

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Carol II, ex-King of Rumania, Lisbon., 1945 August 29

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1725-00
Scope and Contents Received with pleasure Carol's letter of Aug. 12; interested to hear Carol going to Lisbon and from there to France; sorry to learn Mme. Lupescu's health not improved; has had little news from Rumania, but glad to see recent action of King Michael who is obviously not satisfied with type of election being planned; neither U.S. nor Great Britain would recognize results of any election which does not express will of people; peace and order indivisible; there must be no intervention in internal...
Dates: 1945 August 29

Messersmith, G.S. Speech before American Society at University Club, Mexico City., 1945 August 31

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1726-00
Scope and Contents Joy that war had ended is mingled with grief for the lost lives; task ahead is great; must unite in effort to insure peace; U.S. has been thrust into position of responsibility, responsibility which must not be shirked; after end of first World War U.S. more or less repudiated its world responsibilities and by so doing helped to create conditions which made possible the last great catastrophe; believes Americans have learned from experience and will know how to deal wisely with problems...
Dates: 1945 August 31

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Cordell Hull, Washington., 1945 September 06

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1727-00
Scope and Contents Read in newspaper of efforts of Army to shift some of responsibility for Pearl Harbor on to Hull; feels indignant that such an attempt should be made; remembers that Hull had been convinced Japanese were planning surprise attack and had so informed President that they would attack in one or more places in Pacific; President indicated he would inform Military and Naval Commanders in Pacific area immediately and urge vigilance; astounding they should try to shift responsibility for their own...
Dates: 1945 September 06

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Cordell Hull, Washington., 1945 September 15

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1728-00
Scope and Contents Will be in Washington between Sept. 19 and 30 to discuss several matters pertaining to Mexico with President and several people in State Department; hopes Secretary [James F.] Byrnes will have returned to Washington before then; looks forward to seeing Hull; at request of Robert Jackson, has prepared a number of affidavits for use during war criminal trials; Jackson indicated personal appearance at trials might be advisable; believes affidavits will serve purpose as well as personal...
Dates: 1945 September 15

Lupescu, Magda, Rio de Janeiro. To Marion [Mrs. G.S.] Messersmith, Mexico City., 1945 September 16

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1729-00
Scope and Contents Signed "Elena." Very depressed; had planned to leave Sept. 7, but suddenly had to change plans; does not understand politics or why a person has not the right to live as he likes just because other people have decided otherwise; returning to Europe meant much, first for reason of health and second as an economy; living in hotels has cost a fortune, and resources almost depleted; His Majesty sad and hurt; life not very gay in Rio, but so often ill couldn't go out much anyway; inquires about...
Dates: 1945 September 16

Collins (of United Press). notes made at press conference given by Ambassador [Spruille] Braden prior to his departure for U.S. to become Assistant Secretary of State., 1945 September 18

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1730-00
Scope and Contents

Braden comments on various Argentine personalities in Government, including Juan Peron, Juan Isaac Cooke, and President [Edelmiro] Farrell; doubts coming election will be honest; says Argentina not living up to promises; known Nazis still in high positions and are protected by Government; considers himself persona non grata in Argentina.

Dates: 1945 September 18

Hillsinger, Loren B. and Karll, Robert P., Military Air Attachés., 1945 September 28

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1731-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1737. Findings on reinvestigation of plane crash in which Russian Ambassador Constantine Oumansky was killed.

Dates: 1945 September 28

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Tom Connally, Washington., 1945 October 08

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1732-00
Scope and Contents Water treaty approved unanimously by Mexican Senate in same form it was approved by U.S. Senate; that this long-standing problem could be settled amicably and equitably by negotiation is indication of improved relations between U.S. and Mexico; knows how effectively Connally worked for treaty; exchange of ratifications to take place in Washington in late October or early November; has suggested to Department a ceremony for the occasion in Secretary James F. Byrne's office; hopes Connally...
Dates: 1945 October 08

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Lawrence M. Lawson, El Paso, Texas., 1945 October 08

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1733-00
Scope and Contents

Was gratified to learn water treaty was ratified by Mexican Senate; treaty marks milestone in U.S.-Mexican relations; in reaching settlement, many persons involved in both countries, but no one has contributed more than Lawson.

Dates: 1945 October 08

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Joseph F. McGurk, Ciudad Trujillo, Santo Domingo., 1945 October 08

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1734-00
Scope and Contents

Water treaty ratified by both U.S. and Mexico; congratulates McGurk for his contribution.

Dates: 1945 October 08

Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. To Charles [August] Timm, Washington., 1945 October 08

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1735-00
Scope and Contents

Gratified to learn Mexican Senate approved water treaty in same form it was approved by U.S. Senate; congratulates Timm for his contribution.

Dates: 1945 October 08

Hillsinger, Loren B. and Karll, Robert P., Military Air Attachés., 1945 October 08

 Item — Box: 15, Folder: F114
Identifier: 1736-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1737. Comments on published findings on plane crash in which Russian Ambassador Constantine Oumansky was killed; no evidence of sabotage.

Dates: 1945 October 08