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Box 16


Contains 120 Results:

Clipping from La Nación., 1946 December 08

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F121
Identifier: 1828-00
Scope and Contents

Story based on same AP dispatch from Washington as clipping from The Standard. (See preceding entry.) 1 Col. In Spanish.

Dates: 1946 December 08

[Messersmith, G.S.], Buenos Aires., 1946 December 10

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F121
Identifier: 1829-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1828. Appends clippings from The Standard and La Nación; A.P. dispatch upon which articles are based continues to place matter of U.S.-Argentine relations upon improper basis of relationships between [Spruille] Braden and Messersmith; policy of U.S. Government involved rather than that of individuals; dispatch indicates difference of opinion between Braden and Messersmith concerning manner in which Argentina must comply with inter-American commitments in matter of enemy...
Dates: 1946 December 10

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Memorandum for the Secretary[of State, James F. Byrnes] on inter-American collaboration., 1946 December 10

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F121
Identifier: 1830-00
Scope and Contents Summarizes history of inter-American collaboration; fears now because of strained U.S.-Argentine relations that collaboration is threatened; any effective inter-American system must include Argentina; in some respects Argentina the strongest and has greatest potentials for development of all Latin American Countries; other countries including Canada, Great Britain, and Russia recognize this and are courting her favor; Argentina eager to be part of inter-American system for first time in...
Dates: 1946 December 10

[Messersmith, G.S.], Buenos Aires., 1946 December 11

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F122
Identifier: 1831-00
Scope and Contents

Description of press conference held by Spruille Braden when he was Ambassador to Argentina as told to Embassy officer by correspondent of American news magazine.

Dates: 1946 December 11

Oakley, Raymond Kenneth. Memorandum to Ambassador [G.S. Messersmith] giving personal views on U.S. policy toward Argentina., 1946 December 12

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F122
Identifier: 1832-00
Scope and Contents Analyzes "case against Argentina" and comments on its validity; Perón regime cannot be blamed for actions of regime in power during war; if not all enemy aliens have been deported or all enemy property liquidated, Argentina has done as much as other Latin American countries; cannot apply one set of criteria to Argentina and another to other countries; during past year, by speech making, press accounts, and publication of "Blue Book" just before Argentine election, State Department has...
Dates: 1946 December 12

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Memorandum on article by Spruille Braden in April 1946 issue of Atlantic Monthly., 1946 December 16

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F122
Identifier: 1833-00
Scope and Contents Article entitled "The Germans in Argentina" inaccurate and misleading; quotes statement, "President Ortiz...outlawed German National Socialist Party in Argentina by presidential decree in 1939; streets no longer echoed with boots of marching stormtroopers; the cry of 'Heil Hitler' was stilled; the swastika banners came down; there was silence - an ominous silence; the Nazi Party had gone underground"; first sentence of statement correct; President did outlaw Nazi Party, but as measure to...
Dates: 1946 December 16

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Despatch No. 1514 to Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes], Washington., 1946 December 19

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F122
Identifier: 1834-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1835. Transmitting translation of pamphlet issued by Undersecretariat of Information, entitled "British Democracy Follows Course of Argentine Democracy"; thinks title doesn't mean to imply British are copying Argentine, but is due to ineptitude of editors; pamphlet merely points out that in many respects policy followed by British and Argentine Governments is the same; while stressing likenesses, pamphlet omits one big difference; Nationalized British industries are...
Dates: 1946 December 19

Argentine Republic. Undersecretariat of Information. Translation of pamphlet entitled "British Democracy Follows the Course of Argentine Democracy.", [1946 Dec ?]

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F122
Identifier: 1835-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1834. Accusations of totalitarianism in Five-Year-Plan; doubts same accusation will be made of British plan; in parallel columns notes similarities of Argentine and British plans.

Dates: [1946 Dec ?]

Riley, Nelson. Memorandum on current U.S.Argentine relations to Ambassador [G.S. Messersmith]., [1946 Dec ?]

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F122
Identifier: 1836-00
Scope and Contents Offers personal observations; was present in Mexico when problem of Argentina's position in inter-American system confronted Conference of Foreign Ministers, and followed closely developments at San Francisco; after [Spruille] Braden's return from Buenos Aires during reception at Chilean Embassy, heard detailed account from Braden of his private and official war with Perón; had assumed story was offered in confidence, but later heard same elocution when Braden addressed Overseas Writers...
Dates: [1946 Dec ?]

O'Donoghue, Sidney E., Buenos Aires. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington., 1947 January 03

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1837-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1838. Transmitting copies of memorandum prepared within Embassy respecting matters allegedly discussed between Soviet Ambassador [Mikhail] Serqueev and Foreign Minister [Vyacheslav M.] Molotov in New York; according to paragraph 1, Soviet Embassy in Buenos Aires has designated one of its secretaries to set up publishing company which will prepare and distribute Soviet propaganda throughout Argentine and other American republics; note that last paragraph deals with...
Dates: 1947 January 03

Memorandum on Conference between Ambassador [Mikhail] Serqueev and Foreign Minister [Vyacheslav M.] Molotov in New York., 1947 January 03

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1838-00
Scope and Contents 3 copies. Enclosed with No. 1837. Information from secretary in Embassy in Buenos Aires; proSoviet propaganda campaign in Spanish language to be intensified in Latin America, with emphasis on literature, art, science, etc. in Soviet Union rather than on political matters; publishing company to be set up; Serqueev reported to have said he was having little difficulty playing off personal ambitions within Argentine Government against opposing forces and utilizing rivalry between U.S. and...
Dates: 1947 January 03

Excerpts from "Argentine Financial Service", Montevideo., 1947 January 17

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1839-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1840. Article on deterioration of Pan American relations since war; Latins feel U.S. has reversed Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy.

Dates: 1947 January 17

O'Donoghue, Sidney Eugene, Buenos Aires., 1947 January 24

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1840-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1839. To G.S. Messersmith, Washington. Gen. [Royal B.].Lord and party arrived this week and yesterday had meeting with President; President discussed his Five-Year-Plan with them; Perón apparently wanted objective and outside opinion as to workability of plan; Gen. Lord called at Embassy; he said that he had seen Messersmith in the States and things were going well with him; has seen Foreign Minister twice in past week; discussed with him decree Government was to have...
Dates: 1947 January 24

Messersmith, G.S. Memorandum to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall]., 1947 January 24

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1841-00
Scope and Contents Gives resumé of Argentine events since Perón elected President, in what all now recognize as honest election; Perón has declared his intention of governing constitutionally, and so far has; U.S. relations with Argentina normal except that in accord with statement made by former Secretary Byrnes on April 8, 1946, U.S. will not sit down at defense meeting with Argentina until Argentina has met her commitments under the Acts of Mexico City; first act of new Argentine Congress was to ratify...
Dates: 1947 January 24

Tewksbury, Howard H., Buenos Aires. Desptach No. 1779A to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington., 1947 January 31

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1842-00
Scope and Contents

Reports on final disposition of enemy property in Argentina; decree of Jan. 24, 1947 enabled Government to take over all enemy property; lists over 100 firms nationalized, liquidated, or partially taken over; some firms were only partially enemy owned.

Dates: 1947 January 31

Copy of article appearing in Star-Times of St. Louis, Mo. entitled "What to do about Argentina.", [1947 January 31]

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1843-00
Scope and Contents Enclosed with No. 1845. One of toughest problems Secretary [George C.] Marshall has to face is that of Argentina; no unanimity in Washington; some believe with Spruille Braden that Perón regime has not carried out its obligation to purge the country of Nazi influence; school represented by Ambassador Messersmith holds that while Perón has not yet completely de-Nazified the Argentine, he has gone a long way, and U.S. should adopt friendlier attitude; Marshall apparently following a "wait and...
Dates: [1947 January 31]

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. To William D. Pawley, Rio de Janeiro., 1947 February 07

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1844-00
Scope and Contents Gives Pawley substance of telegram sent today to Department; telegram states belief Argentina has complied fully with her commitments in matter of enemy schools and enemy property; in matter of enemy aliens, of the 52 listed in last decree, 13 have already been deported, 3 are out of the country, a few are at large and being hunted by Argentine authorities, and the remainder are under detention awaiting deportation; thinks Argentina has amply demonstrated her good faith, and sees no reason...
Dates: 1947 February 07

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Dispatch No. 1842 to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington., 1947 February12

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1845-00
Scope and Contents Enclosure: See No. 1843. Transmitting copy of article from Star-Times of St. Louis, Mo. entitled "What to do about Argentina"; calls attention to paragraph in which Argentina is referred to as "hotbed of fascism"; paragraph states Perón and his followers continue to make anti-U.S. speeches and dream of an anti-U.S. bloc in South America; since Perón became President, has never heard him make public or private statement which was unfriendly to U.S.; he has stated repeatedly his Government is...
Dates: 1947 February12

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Despatch No. 1850 to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington., 1947 February 13

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1846-00
Scope and Contents Enclosures: See Nos. 1847-1849. Summarizes Argentine performance to date under its inter-American commitments in field of enemy aliens who committed acts against the State or the United Nations; some on the proscribed list already deported, some were voluntarily repatriated, some detained awaiting deportation, a few have gone to other countries, and a few are at large, but Government making every effort to locate them; believes Argentine Government has shown good faith in matter of...
Dates: 1947 February 13

Summary of Argentine action in matter of enemy aliens., [1947 February 13]

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1847-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1846. Gives numbers of German and Japanese agents deported, number of voluntary repatriates, number missing, number detained awaiting deportation, number deceased while in custody, and number of prisoners of war repatriated.

Dates: [1947 February 13]

[1947 February 13]

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1848-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1846. List of German Agents.

Dates: [1947 February 13]

[1947 February 13]

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1849-00
Scope and Contents

Enclosed with No. 1846. List of Japanes agents.

Dates: [1947 February 13]

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. To Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington., 1947 February 13

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1850-00
Scope and Contents Associated Press dispatch from Buenos Aires, appearing in New York Times, states Messersmith was met at airport on his return from Washington by President and Senora Perón; when Senora Perón chided Messersmith for remaining away so long, he was quoted as saying, "Yes, but I had to tarry because the situation was very grave"; it is correct that he was met by President and Mrs. Perón and by Foreign Minister and had brief conversation with them; in reply to Mrs. Perón's statement about long...
Dates: 1947 February 13

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. To Secretary of State George C. Marshall, Washington., 1947 February 21

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1851-00
Scope and Contents Unfortunate that in discussion in U.S. of Argentine situation so much stress is placed on arms; because of unfounded statements of correspondents and commentators, many in U.S. believe Argentine Government complying with her commitments only to get arms from U.S. and that arms will be used against her neighbors; Argentina could get arms from several European sources if she so desired; has been informed both Sweden and England no longer feel bound by "gentleman's agreement" not to sell arms...
Dates: 1947 February 21

Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Despatch No. 1883 to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington., 1947 February 21

 Item — Box: 16, Folder: F123
Identifier: 1852-00
Scope and Contents

2 copies. Department requests list of enemy firms taken over by Argentine Government; refers to despatch No. 1779-A of Jan. 31, 1947 in which 109 firms were listed and to despatch No. 1850 of Feb. 13 to which were appended lists enemy aliens with action taken in each case; realizes in matter of enemy aliens compliance not yet complete.

Dates: 1947 February 21